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Becoming a legal guardian to my nephew

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Maryland

My nephew is 16. I would like to be his legal guardian. I'm sure he wants this too. He and his mom (my sister) do not get along. She is very mean and nasty to him. She neglects him and does not provide adequately for him. He is constantly asking me to get him the basic things his mom should be providing for him like, food, clothes, hygiene products, money, ect. She locks him out the house purposely. She's verbally and physically abusive towards him. She's constantly calling him a loser and told him that she gave up on him years ago. His father is around but he is married and has other kids and his wife does not want my nephew around. So except for the fact that he is forced to pay child support, he acts as if my nephew doesn't exist. My nephew is always depressed and sad wondering why his parents don't love him.:( To cope with this depression he's hanging out with a bad crowd, skipping school, and smoking marijuana. I'm afraid that if my nephew doesn't get the proper love and support he will continue on the wrong road and end up dead or in jail. Do I need his mom's consent for me to be his legal guardian? I think she may object or make the process difficult out of spite because she gets angry and argues with me when I help him. It's as if she wants him to suffer. And I also think she will object because she would no longer be able to benefit from claiming him as a dependant on her tax filings or continue to receive child support for him. Please tell me what I can do to help my nephew.:confused:


Senior Member
yes you need moms permission.

or you could call child services, but they would not automatically give the child to you if they decided to take him from the home. you would have to apply and get approved through the state to be his gaurdian.


Ithildriel said:
Yeah that was an interesting read, though I didn't read the whole thing.

Since two "real" attorneys told her that this place was a joke, why on earth would she come back looking for more legal advice. :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:

wow....dito what you said

BTW- did we ever get a reply from IAAL about the position we offered him?.....wait.....that sounded a bit more riscae (sp?) than i ment for it too:eek: ...or maybe i shouldnt post after taking my vicodin......:eek: ;) :eek:
eme76 said:
wow....dito what you said

BTW- did we ever get a reply from IAAL about the position we offered him?.....wait.....that sounded a bit more riscae (sp?) than i ment for it too:eek: ...or maybe i shouldnt post after taking my vicodin......:eek: ;) :eek:
I haven't heard anything, so I believe it still needs to be filled. ;)

Just Blue

Senior Member
Shay-Pari'e said:
Interesting reading on Phillis .


I wouldn't waste my time on her. If you don't tell her what she WANTS to hear, she gets her underoos in a twist.

03-22-2005, 01:41 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 22

You alll are free to have your opinion that my nephew is a brat. But if you can't offer serious legal advice based solely on the info provided without including your negative personal opinions of people then you really shouldn't be on this website.

And just to let you know I have consulted with a REAL lawyer. I showed him a print out of this thread and he was familiar with this website. He said every REAL lawyer who knows of this website thinks it's a joke. He laughed and said I shouldn't waste my time and energy on it because most of the people who respond are wannabe lawyers that couldn't cut it and pass the bar and are now miserable, bitter, lonely people and are probably broke and substance dependant. But I thought I'd check back here one more time to see if maybe there was at least one qualified, intelligent, decent, and respectful person who might respond seriously. But I keep finding negative remarks so obviously the lawyer was right. I won't waste my time anymore.

Hey Philis...Why don't you go and ask a REAL attorney for advice??:p


Junior Member
I took a chance since it's been a while since I last accessed this website. And when I saw that the appearance of it had changed I thought that maybe they overhauled the whole operation and got rid of the a$$holes. With the exception of Baystategirl and NotSoNew, I guess I was wrong. So Shay-Pari'e I'll take your advice and no longer waste my time. Thanks!

But thanks so much to Baystategirl and NotSoNew:) Your responses were helpful and respectful.

And PS> Shay-Pari'e, I'm glad I meant so much to you that you had to research my thread from so long ago. But I am a little disappointed that you spelled my name wrong.:( But don't you feel bad, your friend eme76 can't spell either. But at least he points it out!:)


Junior Member
Damn! Spoke too soon about Baystategirl. It it seems she can't spell either. People my name is right on the screen for God's sake!:)


phyllis123 said:
I took a chance since it's been a while since I last accessed this website. And when I saw that the appearance of it had changed I thought that maybe they overhauled the whole operation and got rid of the a$$holes. With the exception of Baystategirl and NotSoNew, I guess I was wrong. So Shay-Pari'e I'll take your advice and no longer waste my time. Thanks!

But thanks so much to Baystategirl and NotSoNew:) Your responses were helpful and respectful.

And PS> Shay-Pari'e, I'm glad I meant so much to you that you had to research my thread from so long ago. But I am a little disappointed that you spelled my name wrong.:( But don't you feel bad, your friend eme76 can't spell either. But at least he points it out!:)
SHE....i am woman hear me ROAR!!!!!
and I am not so sure what made you so bitter but like it or not you got correct legal advice to ALL of your questions....bu-bye:p


Junior Member
eme76, I'm not bitter. And I never said I thought the advice I got was wrong. I just don't get why some of the folks on here have to be so disrespectful in order to give legal advice.:confused: It kinda make one wonder whether or not you guys are real attorneys and whether or not this site should be taken seriously because I don't think you'd talk like that to someone who came into your office seeking advice. Like I said before, I thought things had changed on this site.


Senior Member
Personally, I really don't care how you spell your stupid name. You are the bitter one, and insulted real attorneys on this site. It doesn't take much to search a name, but then again, you don't seem real smart about anything.

Contact your lawyers, you probably won't get any advice here after your attitude.
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Junior Member
You really should learn how to spell. Apparently it's not just my name you're having problems with. There's no "i" in personally.:) I would have just let that one go as a typo, but since you can't seem to spell my name even after doing a search on it, and it's on the screen, I'm not so sure. Seems you're the one who is not smart:)

And you're right, I now see that I did insult all the real attorneys on here by not making a distinction between them and the a$$holes like you. So to the respectable, real attorneys on this site who are here to be helpful and not insulting, I do sincerely apologize. But people like Shay-Pari'e are giving you all a bad name.


Senior Member
phyllis123 said:
You really should learn how to spell. Apparently it's not just my name you're having problems with. There's no "i" in personally.:) I would have just let that one go as a typo, but since you can't seem to spell my name even after doing a search on it, and it's on the screen, I'm not so sure. Seems you're the one who is not smart:)

And you're right, I now see that I did insult all the real attorneys on here by not making a distinction between them and the a$$holes like you. So to the respectable, real attorneys on this site who are here to be helpful and not insulting, I do sincerely apologize. But people like Shay-Pari'e are giving you all a bad name.

In case you didn't notice, I edited before your reply, but then again, we are not here for spelling 101 are we? Do you think I care what your opinion is of me? You are bitter, and only want to hear what you want. I'm not doing that. You will not simply get custody of your nephew.

Now go away and ask your two lawyers if I am right.
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