Gracie3787 said:
I suspected, but you figured it out.
Gracie, I called him out on it yesterday, he "politely" told me I "obviously had" him "confused with someone else."
I didn't even bother to respond back. I'm glad I am not the only one who saw through it.
OP, simply tell your childs father if he wants him, he knows where you are, and you will hand the child over. Be prepared if he does, however, you will more than likely at least have to go pick your child up after the visitation. If he comes to get him, chances are he will tell you you have to come get him to bring him home b/c he won't. In my court orders it is stated the receiving parent does the transporting, its worked out well that way, for the most part.
Sounds like you are already working on the CS end of it. It is his obligation to assist in the support of your child. You are doing the right thing to have it filed through the courts, I won't mention you shouldn't withhold visitation due to nonpayment, b/c you have already been told that.
Good luck!