Arthur45 said:
Okay, yes my daughter's name was in the email. The spouse of the principal referred to her by name, even going as far as saying that she should be put on homeschooling... so that the only person she would be dealing with then was her crazy mother. My daughter has special needs and this is what was being discussed in the email. My phone # and cell phone # were also in the email, my email address. The spouse even went as far to send me an apology later on that night, once it was discovered that her email was sent to me in error.
Then I was called and told that the principal was only human and though it was wrong, it was a husband wife venting session. But talking about me and my daughters concerns which are still not met at this point.
This is what I did just so I am clear on the subject, I called the Family Policy Compliance Office of the Department of Education at: (202) 260-3887 I read this post to her word for word and was told:
Any email between a parent and school official about a student is considered a part of the students record and unless his wife works for the school system he cannot let her read said emails without parental consent. The told me of a Supreme Court case from California in 1982 that makes filing of civil charges against a school for violating the FERPA law is not allowed, However the parent should contact the Family Policy Compliance Office of the Department of Education and request to file a complaint with them and that they would then take it over from there. They willl then contact the school letting them know that they have violated FERPA laws and requesting any information regarding the matter.
She also said to keep any emails you got from the wife and send those in with your complaint. This was a violation of FERPA laws however unless there has been another case since the one in 1982 The parent cannot sue the school over it. Only the Family Policy Compliance Office of the Department of Education can innitiate legal action which they will do if the school does not comply with thier decision on the matter.
they will keep the parent updated via mail on how thier case is going and what the responses from the school are and also what the final result is at the end of thier investigation.
So as I stated even given the little information that was presented in the above post what the principle did was illegal under FERPA law.
Now I'm done with this pissing match.