okay i understand about the trust being divided its what i thought after reading the document
what im confused about is the 1/6 parts of the other half
does the widow recieve that part or my uncles daughter? i ask this because in the will it states
"provided further that if any of my children who predeceased me and leave no issue then thier share shall go to thier surviving siblings and the issue of deceased siblings by right of representation"
what exactly does that mean? i was thinking it meant the share goes to the child and not a spouse.
if my uncle owns 1/2 and the trust owns 1/2 does that actually mean that my uncle owns the 1/2 of the house that is not in the trust?? since the trust is divided into 1/3 and the other (non trust)wh half gets probated?
What exactly does all this mean? Does my uncle have to sell the house to pay us these shares? or does the house stay like it is with all these hands in it and never actually recieve payments for it?
whew im confused
okay i understand about the trust being divided its what i thought after reading the document
what im confused about is the 1/6 parts of the other half
does the widow recieve that part or my uncles daughter? i ask this because in the will it states
"provided further that if any of my children who predeceased me and leave no issue then thier share shall go to thier surviving siblings and the issue of deceased siblings by right of representation"
what exactly does that mean? i was thinking it meant the share goes to the child and not a spouse.
if my uncle owns 1/2 and the trust owns 1/2 does that actually mean that my uncle owns the 1/2 of the house that is not in the trust?? since the trust is divided into 1/3 and the other (non trust)wh half gets probated?
What exactly does all this mean? Does my uncle have to sell the house to pay us these shares? or does the house stay like it is with all these hands in it and never actually recieve payments for it?
whew im confused