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Ladies, ladies - please! There is no reason why she can't pay for child care out of what he gives her, IF he's giving her the maximum already. And she should have thought about that before they went to court. My ex- had to pay a bit ($300/wkly), but made good money too. I worked a full time job as well since I now realized I'd have to go from part-time to full time just to make ends meet. The money he gave me for child support went to helping to pay rent, food, clothes AND child care for my then 8 year old daughter. My son was 13 at the time, so he wasn't in need. They were well fed, well clothed and never in need. I did fine with the money I was given.. there's no reason why she can't do the same. Yes, it was tight and I hardly had anything left each week, but I did it and did it on my own. The only reason why she wouldn't do the same is if she's a lazy slob who doesn't care about anything but herself. Plain and simple!

Nuff said!


And here's what you posted under the child custody/support section:

****My question is can a judge enforce me to pay daycare costs for my 2 children? Up until we seperated a year ago my ex & i have never believed in daycare..Now all of a sudden she wants to put them in daycare..This after we settled everything in court 3 months ago...We both have shared physical/legal custody of our 2 daughters...I pay her 125 a week for CS already...She sends them to daycare now & the monthly bill for that is well over 600 bucks a month....

So if i have to pay for this exactly how much will i be paying on top of the 500 a month she already gets with CS? Is there a chart to decide what percentage i pay & does my CS obligation factor into this....

My ex never brought up daycare when when she signed the consent order back in May...Now all of a sudden she wants daycare money....*****

So you pay $500/mo. for 2 kids. And she's supposed to saddle a $600/mo daycare bill by herself? So if we consider that your 1/2 daycare is $300/mo that leaves $200 total. So she gets $100/mo. per child to feed and clothe them? Unless you're living in poverty, that's pretty meager by any state's standards.

She probalby didn't bring up daycare 3 mos ago b/c she wasn't using daycare. Now her job has changed and she does need it. It's life and you're most likely stuck with it. You can go back to court and incur more expenses and the judge will most probably order you to pay at least 1/2 of the costs - if not at the % that your CS is calculated at.

And I DO NOT appreciate your generalizations and comments about me. You are held responsible for the children that you created. The courts didn't just rewrite the CS guidelines when you decided to procreate. I'm not saying that the guidelines are always fair or fun but that's the way it is. And why don't you try on MY shoes for a few days.... I'm married to a NCP who pays child support, medical costs, etc. So I get to watch MY hard earned money get flitted away b/c although we pay child support, the child doesn't always have shoes or clothes that fit her and there's extraordinary medical bills, etc. So when you take on that type of responsibility - voluntarily - without even the slightest hint of a right to the child that you love so dearly - then maybe we can talk about poor pitiful you b/c you have to pay daycare for YOUR two kids.


So its right that even though we have joint custody straight down the line that i pay my ex all this $$...And its ok for her to live off me so i can be poor? What about when the kids are with me...I dont get CS from anyone, i dont get daycare from anyone...I have a job & i do whatever it takes to make ends meet, UNLIKE her...But i guess in your opinion as long as the WOMAN in this case is living rich its ok to make me poor....My ex lives with a friend free of charge, she has hardly any bills to pay....I could have made her pay half of all the bills that were incurred when we were married....She gave her rights away to the house, so I pay the mortgage on that ...I pay all the medical expenses on the kids.....There not much for her to pay to tell you the truth....So you are condoning every woman to live off a man..Instead of saying for her to try & better herself, you are stating that i need to give her more money so she doesnt have to work & can therefore rely on me until our kids are of age....

You make no sense at all woman....

You started the shoving match with me...You got all uptight when the tables were turned on you & now you are in a defensive mode....


Also, i wish daycare was as cheap as you stated..If it is please let me know where so i can send my kids there....The daycare she is requesting is over 800 a month...


So in the first post it's over $600 bucks and now it's over $800...well why don't you get your facts straight and then present them to us?

If she takes you back to court b/c now there is child care, then the judge is probably going to make you pay a portion of it. You can gripe and moan and lash out all you want but this will NOT change the circumstances OR the law.

Obviously her income is substantially less than yours and even though you have a good deal of visitation, the courts have ordered you to pay child support. If this is NOT the case, well you need to find a better lawyer.

You are accomplishing nothing more than making a spectacle of yourself. You asked for a law and I don't think anyone pointed you to one. You were told other people's opinions and experiences regarding how a judge will probably view your situation and what they will make you pay. YOU are on the defensive b/c we haven't provided you with the magic "escape route" to get out of paying day care expenses.

P.S. How you talk and address me doesn't amount to a hill of beans but I'd like to caution you against using that kind of crap in the "real world". Constantly referring to someone as "woman" purely for effect and generalizing my comments as suggesting that all women should live off of a man is nothing short of ignorant and offensive.

I'm sure statements such as "you make no sense woman" *grunt* is what has gotten you where you are today.


If he did offer to use his flexibility and rearrange his work schedule to stay home and care for the children while she worked would that really be a compromise the court would advocate? I had read in other posts that if she works then she doesn't have to chose to let him care for the children - she can still make him pay his portion of day care. Am I off base here?

I can understand being upset. I don't know that there is much you can do about it legally but certainly seems unfair.

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