Guilt isn't automatically assumed, it happens when your story keeps changing and we read all that back peddling.scliq said:She did not need to try the shorts on because she had 2 pairs already at home and just simply wanted 4 more pairs of the same type for a mission trip which leaves this Friday.
We live 40 minutes out of the city so yes, I hated having to go back. She just got her unrestricted driver's licensce so she is was in the I want to drive stage & did. I had been on a casino cruise the night before and hadn't gotten my licensce back from my husband. I was unaware he had put it in the glove box is why I was able to produce it after I called him.
The forum suggests advice not ridicule is my point and if it's free I'll post what jerks you are & will reply as long as I can log in. It's a shame that guilt is automatically assumed here because it could be a useful forum.
Anyway, have you contacted the police to provide them with your version of this mystery?