Quote: "My concern is, if I write these books and finish publishing them....."
I want to know how many cookbooks this person has in the works. Because what I am hearing is that encouraged by the longsuffering girlfriend he's pipe dreaming this big idea of writing and publishing cookbooks, and I notice he hasn't yet told us about how many cook books he has ready to submit for publication, how he's going to get them published, he's just worrying about what he's going to do with all this income they're going to bring in. And now he's telling us he's getting further and further behind financially, but still, I haven't heard that he's got cookbooks written and ready or accepted for publication that are going to start bringing in income anytime in the near future.
There are lots of ads in the backs of magazines and on the internet begging you to submit your cookbooks or your children's books or your original poems for publication. They're classic scams. Most people who sell successful cookbooks are the owners of successful restaurants, or people like Paula Deen or Rachel Ray who have lots of public exposure in the market.
Many many years ago when I worked with a Human Services department and certified for foodstamps, there was a very good publication we offered clients about how to make your food stamp dollars go further, recipes, etc. I'm sure that whoever wrote it and sold it to the government did well financially. But unfortunately, most people wouldn't even take it out of the office when it was free, didn't feel that they had time to worry with it, much less use some of their hard-come-by dollars to buy it.
As I've said before, the bookshelves at thrift stores are full of self-published cookbooks.
I would certainly be applying for food stamps if I were in the financial situation that this person describes. I would also be looking far and wide for some sort of part time income to suppliment my SSI, regardless of how it would be looked at. SSI is the classic "fixed income" and is truly limiting. But this cookbook income still all sounds like something that hasn't happened yet and isn't likely to happen anyway.