Some times it can't be helped that there is no parent to stay home with the child. Let's not all jump up and down on parents who do have to work now! I had to work (after one of my children was born, in fact, I was back at work with in 3 weeks of the birth) because the father (who is now my EX husband) decided to bail. I was fortunate. I was able to leave the baby with family members.
I intend to go back to work later as well. Why you ask? Because I have been on my own, with no career and no education before. I don't intend for that to happen again. I have 2 children and will probably have 3 before I am working full time and if (God forbid) something should happen to my husband, I will support my family.
New perspective. In Junior High (there was no middle school back then!) I was one of those lonely teased children. I wasn't a loner, but I learned to be. I am an outgoing, extremely people orientated person. (I'm great at customer service jobs!) My home life was awful. I had few friends and they were the outsiders as well. I had poor grades and I was humiliated numerous times by teachers as well. No, I didn't go haywire and shoot everyone. BUT, I did consider suicide AND I ended up in an abusive marriage. Cry for help? No one listened to mine. I have to wonder if these students did ask for help. I have to wonder why children have to fear going to school.
I don't think we can fix the bullying. Not when these same bullies are raising their children to be replicas of themselves. What we can do is provide children with a safety. Someone they can go to. I was lucky. I had been enrolled in martial arts and I called one of the bullies bluff. (Told her that I would be waiting for her at the bike rack as requested. She never showed. Her friends never showed.) I learned not to be afraid unless someone backs up their threats.
I teach my children to be kind to the unfortunate outsiders. Whether or not they will follow through as they get older remains to be seen. There are so many influences on our children, that we can not possibly predict the outcome of our efforts. (For the parents that send their kids to private schools, the bullying was actually worse there!)
There is no miracle cure. Racial prejudice is still alive and rearing its ugly head again and again. Women are still paid less than their male counterparts. Atrocities are being commited the world over and we have no plug for them. The only thing we can really do is change ourselves and to do our d@mnde$t to raise our children to be the best people they can be.
One day a mother was cleaning her son's room, and in the closet she found a S & M magazine. Unsure of how to confront her son, she hid the magazine until his father got home. She showed her husband what she had found while she was cleaning. He looked at the S & M magazine and handed it back to her without a word.
She finally asked him, "Well, what should we do about this?"
He looked back at her hesitantly and said, "Well, I don't think you should spank him."