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dogs and homeowners

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Senior Member
Take him back to the humane society. Yes, he will probably be PTS....but you'll never know one way or the other (just don't ask). You tried. Don't be mad at the insurance company, can you really blame them for not wanting to cover another potential dog bite claim? I'm sure IAAL can tell you how much one of those is worth! Direct your anger at the person who gave up this animal in the first place. Be angry at the person who allowed their dog(s) to go unspayed so that they continually breed.....HOW NICE of them for passing this animal along to you. Allowing you love it, care for it, then to having to make the ultimate decision....Who ever gave it up knew what it was or what it could potentially become.
Good Luck.


Senior Member
kat1963 said:
Take him back to the humane society. Yes, he will probably be PTS....but you'll never know one way or the other (just don't ask). You tried. Don't be mad at the insurance company, can you really blame them for not wanting to cover another potential dog bite claim? I'm sure IAAL can tell you how much one of those is worth! Direct your anger at the person who gave up this animal in the first place. Be angry at the person who allowed their dog(s) to go unspayed so that they continually breed.....HOW NICE of them for passing this animal along to you. Allowing you love it, care for it, then to having to make the ultimate decision....Who ever gave it up knew what it was or what it could potentially become.
Good Luck.

Your post is heartless and worthless. How do you know someone gave up the dog? That wasn't what was posted. Maybe they've had it since it was a puppy, that is not the point. Not trying to be rude but maybe some advice on who to contact for insurance would be better. Obviously you have never had a pet that you loved like your own child. It is easy to say take it to the humane society and have it pts, but it is not that easy to do.

Writer, can you sell the dog to a friend? Get a Bill of Sale and show it to the insurance copany? You didn't answer my question on that.


susie baby...

first off, thanks for your support...it means a lot that someone who has never meant our dog supports him!

that option of sale is there, according to at least one insurance agency... we have a friend who is willing to "purchase" him, but he can't keep him... I still fear the liability issue in any case...


It's late, and I apologize for not reading all the notes in their entirety. Ooooo. I'm a dog lover. Have worked some rescue and have placed some in adoptive homes (several in my own home, too). Big ole Boxer is laying near my feet right now and another one is on the couch. Two more in the back yard who are getting ready to come in for the night.

I don't want to get involved in the emotional side of this issue.
I will state this, though because it's the facts of dog ownership, particularly with breeds such as the pit: in your situation, you could be held liable (could be) if your dog harms someone down the road; you will most likely not be insured if the insurance co. knows or ever finds out about this dog. He's in your heart and home, and you are in a tough, tough position. The odds are not good. If there comes a point you choose to have him euthanised, do try to think of the workers in these places who are left to do this job when owners of this breed (and other breeds) merely dump them off and walk away.

These sites below may help you some. Good luck.






Senior Member
Okay, yeah, go ahead, keep that biter dog alive while other well mannered dogs that would love to be in your home are destroyed EVERY SINGLE DAY. Keep him alive and muzzled. NEVER own a home, NEVER be covered in case he bites someone else because HEY, you love animals right?? Where do you draw the line?? You want to be radical about it? So go ahead, you sacrifice not only everything you own, everything that work for, for a dog that bites. It’s no skin off my back. You are doing ME a favor & a big one. Why don’t you give the dog to SuzyQ or Hummingbird? I would be MORE then willing to pay for every single expense for you to pack & fly that dog out to either of these two. In total, cost of the dog, cost of kennel, cost of the vaccinations, cost of the flights. It’s all on me. At my expense.
So, which one of you ladies are going to take this dog huh? You sign a disclaimer that you know it bites; I don’t have any problem picking up the tab.
Because you know something. It’s all fine & good to have sympathy for the poster when you aren’t actually living her life.
YES, I just recently have had to have an animal put down. He was one that I rescued from the pound 6 months ago. He was 13 years old. He was riddled with cancer. He cost me over $2,000 for his treatment but damnit he lived out his last few months in right style.

I take out 2 a month. On average they cost me $325.00 EACH. I can NOT wait for the local spay/neuter get it for cheap program, the waiting list is far too long and I can NOT afford a mistake nor can society. That is what I DO. And YES, I do put aggressive dogs down in order to SAVE the others that are NOT. How many do either of you take out? ONE CAT Hummingbird, oh please, I have 5 one of which is waiting for his flight to Germany...then I'll go get another one. Or two. or three. You have no idea.
Oh and by the way Hummingbird, my indoor/outdoor cat died 5 years ago in August, she was 24...we were going for the world record. So, bite me. And unless you are going to take the dog, your posts are also WORTHLESS.
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Senior Member
kat1963 said:
Okay, yeah, go ahead, keep that biter dog alive while other well mannered dogs that would love to be in your home are destroyed EVERY SINGLE DAY. Keep him alive and muzzled. NEVER own a home, NEVER be covered in case he bites someone else because HEY, you love animals right?? Where do you draw the line?? You want to be radical about it? So go ahead, you sacrifice not only everything you own, everything that work for, for a dog that bites. It’s no skin off my back. You are doing ME a favor & a big one. Why don’t you give the dog to SuzyQ or Hummingbird? I would be MORE then willing to pay for every single expense for you to pack & fly that dog out to either of these two. In total, cost of the dog, cost of kennel, cost of the vaccinations, cost of the flights. It’s all on me. At my expense.
So, which one of you ladies are going to take this dog huh? You sign a disclaimer that you know it bites; I don’t have any problem picking up the tab.
Because you know something. It’s all fine & good to have sympathy for the poster when you aren’t actually living her life.
YES, I just recently have had to have an animal put down. He was one that I rescued from the pound 6 months ago. He was 13 years old. He was riddled with cancer. He cost me over $2,000 for his treatment but damnit he lived out his last few months in right style.

I take out 2 a month. On average they cost me $325.00 EACH. I can NOT wait for the local spay/neuter get it for cheap program, the waiting list is far too long and I can NOT afford a mistake nor can society. That is what I DO. And YES, I do put aggressive dogs down in order to SAVE the others that are NOT. How many do either of you take out? ONE CAT Hummingbird, oh please, I have 5 one of which is waiting for his flight to Germany...then I'll go get another one. Or two. or three. You have no idea.
Oh and by the way Hummingbird, my indoor/outdoor cat died 5 years ago in August, she was 24...we were going for the world record. So, bite me.
Kat, I'm glad to read that you are a rescuer, but you don't know anything about me either.

I have 5 dogs and 4+ cats. My husband says no more. Even then, I would not hesitate to take the writer's dog. But the writer loves her dog as a family member, apparently you didn't read that part. So why would she want to ship her dog to us?

The "plus" is for all the strays and ferals I feed and take care of and trap and take to the vet and have neutered, spayed and vaccinated.

Where there is a will there is a way. I hope the writer has found the way.
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Senior Member
I don’t care how many pet’s you have. If you insist on being so fanatical about it then you need to be able to back it up.
TAKE the posters pet. I will pay for it. I will take on all expenses, it's not a problem for me. What is the problem here?? You get a free dog that bites, and bites HARD....You do want to keep this dog alive right? Then you just might have to take it. ...of course, you might have to get rid of the husband...but given a choice eh?
It's FINE & GOOD for you all sitting on the sidelines now ain't it?
Edited for: The poster has a problem with insurance. She can not obtain insuracne with this aggressive pet in her home. She doesn't know how to get rid of the dog without being liable or having to put it down, which is very sad, but might be necessary, however SAD it is (and I DO KNOW how that is!!)
What options have you given her? She can NOT get insurance with this dog in the home. That is the way it is & the way it should be. If you care so much, sign a waiver & take the dog!!!
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Senior Member
kat1963 said:
I don’t care how many pet’s you have. If you insist on being so fanatical about it then you need to be able to back it up.
TAKE the posters pet. I will pay for it. I will take on all expenses, it's not a problem for me. What is the problem here?? You get a free dog that bites, and bites HARD....You do want to keep this dog alive right? Then you just might have to take it. ...of course, you might have to get rid of the husband...but given a choice eh?
It's FINE & GOOD for you all sitting on the sidelines now ain't it?

Is there something wrong with you? I just told you I would take the dog in a heartbeat but my husband would say no and the writer would too. However, that is NOT the point. Writer is trying to get hazard insurance, we are trying to help. End of subject!


Senior Member
**My husband would say NO***
Guess you gals married the wrong man then. My husband would NEVER deny me anything at all.
Do you feel better because of your excuse? Blame it on the husband?
Good Luck Ladies;


Senior Member
kat1963 said:
**My husband would say NO***
Guess you gals married the wrong man then. My husband would NEVER deny me anything at all.
Do you feel better because of your excuse? Blame it on the husband?
Good Luck Ladies;

Thank you for your kind remarks, because now we are entering a subject that has nothing to do with the writer's first post. Kat, maybe you should start a new thread:D
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kat1963 said:
Okay, yeah, go ahead, keep that biter dog alive while other well mannered dogs that would love to be in your home are destroyed EVERY SINGLE DAY. Keep him alive and muzzled. NEVER own a home, NEVER be covered in case he bites someone else because HEY, you love animals right?? Where do you draw the line?? You want to be radical about it? So go ahead, you sacrifice not only everything you own, everything that work for, for a dog that bites. It’s no skin off my back. You are doing ME a favor & a big one. Why don’t you give the dog to SuzyQ or Hummingbird? I would be MORE then willing to pay for every single expense for you to pack & fly that dog out to either of these two. In total, cost of the dog, cost of kennel, cost of the vaccinations, cost of the flights. It’s all on me. At my expense.
So, which one of you ladies are going to take this dog huh? You sign a disclaimer that you know it bites; I don’t have any problem picking up the tab.
Because you know something. It’s all fine & good to have sympathy for the poster when you aren’t actually living her life.
YES, I just recently have had to have an animal put down. He was one that I rescued from the pound 6 months ago. He was 13 years old. He was riddled with cancer. He cost me over $2,000 for his treatment but damnit he lived out his last few months in right style.

I take out 2 a month. On average they cost me $325.00 EACH. I can NOT wait for the local spay/neuter get it for cheap program, the waiting list is far too long and I can NOT afford a mistake nor can society. That is what I DO. And YES, I do put aggressive dogs down in order to SAVE the others that are NOT. How many do either of you take out? ONE CAT Hummingbird, oh please, I have 5 one of which is waiting for his flight to Germany...then I'll go get another one. Or two. or three. You have no idea.
Oh and by the way Hummingbird, my indoor/outdoor cat died 5 years ago in August, she was 24...we were going for the world record. So, bite me. And unless you are going to take the dog, your posts are also WORTHLESS.

Why are you so mad at me? Bite you? I didn't tell her to keep the animal or give it away or hide it. I know the importance of putting this animal down, but I also know there's an emotional attachment displayed here that tells me the situation might benefit more if she is provided some URLs that speak directly to the problem of pit ownership, adoption, placement, etc. I have four cats and four dogs; one cat is 19. I'm not an animal rights activist and in fact have been on the side of supporting tough animal control laws in our town and have spoken on these boards before about pits. And what do you mean you "take out two a month"? Do you fly dogs / cats ready for adoption back and forth to Germany? I really don't understand what you mean in your post. I've had mine put down before; most recently a shephard about 6 years ago due to long battle with cancer. My post is not worthless if I don't take the dog. My post provided URLs to her that simple give her more resources. From what I read here last night, (briefly) it appeared that most were telling her to put the dog down. As I said last night -- I didn't take time to read and decipher them all, but I had the feeling from reading them briefly that I didn't need to tell her again and again that the dog needed to be put down. It sounded as if she had gotten that message. I simply wanted to provide her some information that might give her some additional resources. And I am not a husband basher.



all advice was read and considered, and this will be my last thread... for kat... perhaps you shouldn't be so judgmental over an animal or a group of people you have never met... I never attacked any other writers, and don't appreciate being attacked for things I never said or did, or for having things taken out of context by you... you are making assumptions about my animal that are unfair, and had you read all threads carefully, you may have realized that... my dog is not vicious, he is kind and loving, and only bit because a full grown man punched him in the head twice, and he has NEVER been struck... if he was a killer, he would not have run away after one bite... But perhaps you aren't reading these lines either, as you feel it necessary to attack well-meaning individuals who tried to give some friendly advice about INSURANCE...

I hope you don't judge your animals as harshly as you have judged me and the other writers... I would hardly call that an "animal" lover, as for the personal comments, save them for Jenny Jones or Ricki Lake...

thanks to all for the advice... I am out...


Senior Member
jahuber said:
all advice was read and considered, and this will be my last thread... for kat... perhaps you shouldn't be so judgmental over an animal or a group of people you have never met... I never attacked any other writers, and don't appreciate being attacked for things I never said or did, or for having things taken out of context by you... you are making assumptions about my animal that are unfair, and had you read all threads carefully, you may have realized that... my dog is not vicious, he is kind and loving, and only bit because a full grown man punched him in the head twice, and he has NEVER been struck... if he was a killer, he would not have run away after one bite... But perhaps you aren't reading these lines either, as you feel it necessary to attack well-meaning individuals who tried to give some friendly advice about INSURANCE...

I hope you don't judge your animals as harshly as you have judged me and the other writers... I would hardly call that an "animal" lover, as for the personal comments, save them for Jenny Jones or Ricki Lake...

thanks to all for the advice... I am out...

Well said :) ....I am still checking around for you...will post later if I find something. Best of Luck!


Senior Member
To the orginal poster, I am sorry for adding fuel to the fire on here however as working in the insurance side of homeowner's I see exactly why it will be next to impossible for you to get insurance today. I feel for you because I also have a dog that even though she is tiny has the potiential to be a real bad biter (and has taken a chunk out of my kids fingers while they were dangling food to her). As a pet owner I also understand that 99% of attacks are unprovoked and the fault of the biter.

If you can find someone to insure you with the exclusion of any any liablities jump on that company no matter what the rate because they are very few and far between(and I can't think of one single company off hand that would do in my state). I am also very happy to hear that your "baby" is muzzled and protected now. (Opps one of my kids just kissed me goodnight and my nipper got her on the finger as I type this!). It is a sad thing that you must do this becuase of one idoit's actions as again I hope that things work out for your family, including your baby!!!!!

One more fun fact----the purebred dog with the most bites on record??? Not the Rottie, not the Pits, not even the Boxers, but a POODLE!!!!!


insurance for dog owners

try Travelers for home owners insurance. I have 3 dogs and two of them are Rottweillers. Travelers seems to be dog friendly, call them you never know till you try.

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