I've got to agree with Tranquility but only based on taking the OP' post at face value with absolutely no interpretation. The kid is almost assuredly not giving an unbiased narrative.
I was sk8ing down the street, actually on the street and this cop came and flashed his lights 1 time and drove slow beside me. He had his window down so i was like "yeah?" and he didn't say anything. He just kept following me. I shrugged my shoulders and said "what's up?". He didn't say anything he just stared at me. So I figure he wants me to get off the street so I jump onto the pavement and went to go down this alley. I could hear him speed up and like he was going round the corner to go to the other side. So I went back the way I came from
so, while the kid wants to claim he had no idea the cop wanted him to stop, why, when the kid took off into the alley and realizing the cop was going to circle around and head him off, did the kid reverse course to intentionally evade the cop. If the kid didn't think the cop actually wanted him to stop, why reverse course? Why not just go ahead and get into a staring contest with the cop again as you ride your board passed him?
As with so many questions here, the one side of the story isn't enough to give a real answer to the questions asked because the version presented is so biased and possibly, a, less than complete and truthful, it is just impossible.
skhater kid
it's time to grow up. CDWJava was giving you the straight facts. If you want to avoid making this something it doesn't have to be, learn how to listen and with a look of serious acceptance of what you are listening to, at least nod affirmatively when appropriate. If you continue to be dumb about this, you could turn a non-issue into a real pain in the ass issue.