Queen Bee
Time to quit talking to the caseworker. Voluntary? Oh okay. So therefore Children Services does NOT have custody of the delinquent child. The STATE does. There was no adjudication. I would quit talking to Children Services. They are not going to do squat quite frankly to help this child. Yes there are consequences to refusing to continue talking to children services. But it may be the best thing in the long run to force someone to protect the victim and potential victim's in this case.I just got off of the phone with our case worker. I asked her if there was a CASA/GAL worker on the case and she said "no because my step son is a deliquent". I then asked if there was one for his brother (the victim) and was told "no". I asked why. Our case worker says that the victim has no involvement with the court, therefore doesn't need one. She says that his mother is voluntarily allowing Children's services to provide him with a couselor, but there is no court involvement with the younger brother. This doesn't seem possible...how could this be?
I would also try to get an attorney to help your husband with this issue for the simple reason that CSB is going to allow your children to be put at risk?