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Fictitious non-contact order

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Senior Member
Then your job is finished and you should stay away from the child. I expect that you are not a registered foster family so she's not going to get placed with you. If the CPS investigation is founded, they will remove her to appropriate foster care.

And yes, it's a full moon (technically tomorrow, but close enough).

I don't think anything more needs to be said!


Senior Member
British Chris;3057723]What were Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
The real names of the Beatles?

Just messing. Goodnight!
there were witnesses to acts by Jesus but there was also physical evidence of his acts as well. Lazarus walked from the tomb. Lazarus could be presented in court to support the act. Producing bread and fish to feed the many could be proven by the bones of the fish and the fact there was food remaining, more than there was originally. When he healed a paralyzed man, the man walking is proof.

While many acts have no physical proof and are only based on testimony, many others do. Since the only court of law Jesus dealt with resulted in his death, I guess the lack of physical evidence in the court damned him as well regardless of any testimony supporting him. Does that mean you accept not being believed because you have no proof of the beatings? Not even direct observation of the results.


Under the Radar Member
I, personally" find the characterization of a "long skirt church" as equivalent to freaky, weird and abusive (which is pretty well what you did, OP) to be quite offensive. I am a member of a VERY conservative Church (ever hear of Eastern Orthodoxy, OP?) and could be characterized a a "long skirt church". We don't do any of what you described. SO tell ya what - why don't you tell us exactly what denomination you're refering to?

Oh, and please - do NOT assume that we are either too stupid or too ignorant to know what a Gulag is/was. I could probably tell you more than you ever thought you knew about Gulags. As well as DP camps. And Auschwitz, etc. :mad:

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