Queen Bee
Sorry...that argument just recently went to the supreme court due to a trial court saying the parent HAS cleaned up their lives and gave the custody back to the parent. This was appealed. It was over turned and stated clearly by the supreme court that no change in circumstance had changed for the child and therefore gave custody back to the g.p.'s.The specific error and reason the trial court made their decision is the verbiage "PARENT" was to mean a superior standing. However once received custody it was fact.
Now...I do not know law verbiage's (not an atty. nor are MANY on here) However when I saw this as presented to me by my atty. (2 in fact) the case itself...This is what it means. I am going to find this for you.
You see...I promised back when on here that unless I am darn sure I will not state "law". That I don't know enough to do so as MANY certainly do not.
This I am certain of and it is set in stone by the Supreme court. Oh...believe me...I read the long and lengthy case and STILL did not understand it so I got 2 attys. to clarify it. As well as a 3rd person that should have been one...She gives such good advice!
Also you are arguing a change in custody from one person to another. IN OHIO. In Ohio for clarification purposes, if a child is in foster care, the parents have up to TWO YEARS to get their child back if they clean up their act. When custody changes however from temporary custody to the state to custody to anyone else, that is when it requires a substantial change in circumstance in the CHILD's LIFE! I dare you to argue with me on that.