Well, as it sounds, you don't want to work with Dad to allow him ANY extra time with the kids...and you clearly have no intention of allowing his family any contact. There are ALWAYS ways to work around things.
If you really WANTED to encourage and foster Dad/Dad's family seeing the kids WHILE THEY ARE IN OHIO ANYWAY you could tell dad he can pick them up on their second to last day there. Then your Mother gets time, and so does dad's family. You guarantee Dad can't take all the time, but make sure he get's some.
I am not necessarily picking on you but choosing to quote your post...but I am annoyed with this thread...and annoyed with your response.
Mom clearly stated that she would be willing for dad to spend some time with the children while they are there. She clearly stated that last summer she allowed the paternal gps to spend some time with the children.
Dad clearly stated that he was annoyed that his mother didn't get 1/2 of the children's time the last time they were there, and he clearly stated that he intended to take ALL of the children's time this time.
And I am sorely disappointed in BL's responses.
Morally, it would be a fair and generous thing for mom to allow dad and his family to have some of HER time with the children while they are with her parents. I encourage her to do so if it can be worked out without drama.
Legally, she has no obligation whatsoever to give dad any of HER time...particularly since dad's has expressed the intention of taking the children and keeping them the whole time.
And no, its simply untrue that dad can show up with the police and that they will force the grandparents to turn over the children to dad. In the unlikely event that dad decides to be that much of a jerk, mom should give the grandparents a copy of the orders outlining dad's reintroduction schedule and any documentation that she can showing that dad's summer visitation is already scheduled.
I honestly am shaking my head over the responses on this thread. Here is a mom who is actually spending money to make dad's scheduled time with the children more comfortable for everyone...for a dad who has been deliberately awol from the children's lives for a long time, and people here are STILL treating her like the bad guy.
Once again, my opinion would be exactly the same if the genders were reversed.