Obvious Observer
Perhaps prior to the CPO the child was not happy and well adjusted, due to whatever Dad did that merited a 5 year CPO.OG, Please comment on the bolded. This seems like an unusual reason to deny contact to a parent; I would expect the denied parent to have committed some offense that makes him a danger to the child.
Perhaps it is none of our business what the specific offense was that resulted in a 5 year CPO that included not just the Mom, but the child as well.
You read between the lines and see that Mom is being difficult, because you believe that all adults should be reasonable and work together.
I read between the lines and suspect that Mom would rather not share all the gory details about what Dad has done to the family. Some things break a family up so bad that it's an insult to suggest that it be patched together and everyone smile and play nice.
It's t. She always thinks everyone should play nice, and that there's something wrong with you if you can't play nice.There is a 5 year protection order...