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happened today, very frustrated

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Senior Member
oh and just to ask.. Didn't I mess up and quote your child as being about 3 months old? LOoking back it seems he's just barely over a month ... am I right?


tigger22472 said:
Bay, this poster has asked a multitude of questions... a lot of which she had deleted in the beginning, starting several months before the child was born. In one thread now deleted, she was asking about a b/f adopting the child. She denies this, however, both Stealth and I remembered this. When she got called out on it she started deleting threads pertaining to why dad wasn't paying for a crib and baby supplies for a child that was not born yet.

Then her complaints went to his family... then all of a sudden he was an acoholic and his mother was a drug addict who was never home but amazingly enough can sell from her home and constantly listen in on phone conversations.

This is all about control and what she can do. This isn't about the child. Every week while she was still pregnant she was here complaining that dad wouldn't communicate with her or support her or whatever. She's been told for months what she needs to do and how to do it.. so to ask if him signing the AOP means he now owes support is/was the last straw with me. Like many posters that come here, this one continues to ask the same questions over and over until she gets an answer she likes or wants to hear.
Hey, I remember those posts too!!
tigger22472 said:
I never called you a lazy bum or a bad mother. I have however called you controlling and illiterate because you only see what you want to see, not what the law is and what is morally right for your child. You want what you want... plain and simple.

I dont get up and do something = lazy, How am i controlling? What am i doing thats not morally right for my son? Please, enlighten me?


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
Oh so since baby lives w/ me he is not responsible? No one said anything about not wanting the financial responsibility.... im not wasting my time w/ you its stupid oppinions like yours that lead ncps to believe children are property you pay for and take on the weekends like child rental. Having a child is much more involved than that

I HAVE CHILDREN, so please dont try to talk to me like you know something, obviously you dont. i am telling you LEGALLY how it stands, not how you would like it to stand. LEGALLY RIGHT NOW WITHOUT A COURT ORDER HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE DIME. if you want to let your child go diaperless and hungry because that makes you upset do it. if you want him to be financially responsible for the child, give the child to him or wait for your CHILD SUPPORT HEARING!


newmommy20 said:
I dont get up and do something = lazy, How am i controlling? What am i doing thats not morally right for my son? Please, enlighten me?
You are controlling because you are trying to find any little way to make this father want to be a part of the babies life...that=controlling.
tigger22472 said:
Bay, this poster has asked a multitude of questions... a lot of which she had deleted in the beginning, starting several months before the child was born. In one thread now deleted, she was asking about a b/f adopting the child. She denies this, however, both Stealth and I remembered this. When she got called out on it she started deleting threads pertaining to why dad wasn't paying for a crib and baby supplies for a child that was not born yet.

Then her complaints went to his family... then all of a sudden he was an acoholic and his mother was a drug addict who was never home but amazingly enough can sell from her home and constantly listen in on phone conversations.

This is all about control and what she can do. This isn't about the child. Every week while she was still pregnant she was here complaining that dad wouldn't communicate with her or support her or whatever. She's been told for months what she needs to do and how to do it.. so to ask if him signing the AOP means he now owes support is/was the last straw with me. Like many posters that come here, this one continues to ask the same questions over and over until she gets an answer she likes or wants to hear.



Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
I dont get up and do something = lazy, How am i controlling? What am i doing thats not morally right for my son? Please, enlighten me?
I will try to squeeze it all in before I leave to cheer my son on in a wrestling meet.

OMG... where do I begin... You were here every week while still pregnant whining about calling him and him not answering or calling and his parents listening in, calling and he not going to the dr. with you or whining he didn't call about your dr. appointment.

You have been here Numerous times talking about supervised visitation and under your control and 3rd party interference and how he doesn't see the child when you want thim to or doesn't come when YOU expect him to.

You have complained about support since he didn't buy a crib or diapers or anything else you thought he should...

There is much much more but I HAVE to leave now.. I'll get back to this either later tonight or tomorrow.


newmommy20 said:
Maybe you should take your questions elsewhere. You obviously do NOT know how to be respectful!
dynomight77 said:
I HAVE CHILDREN, so please dont try to talk to me like you know something, obviously you dont. i am telling you LEGALLY how it stands, not how you would like it to stand. LEGALLY RIGHT NOW WITHOUT A COURT ORDER HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE DIME. if you want to let your child go diaperless and hungry because that makes you upset do it. if you want him to be financially responsible for the child, give the child to him or wait for your CHILD SUPPORT HEARING!
DUH! how many geniuses dose it take to give the same answer over n over, obviously 3. I would never do that it was a sarcastic comment to show him his mentalty. do you see me asking the same question? its a simle answer and i got it so bye:eek:


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
That was the question i had, if He signs an AOP does there still need to be an order. I thought so but I was unsure thats why i asked, I highly doubt tigger was stating that innocently, a while back we got into it bad so there is previous animosity. If tiggers goal was to provide an answer and only that intead of berating me then i wouldnt have been so upset but naturally i dont take kindly to being called a lazy bum and a bad mother, or being accused of preventing a relationship between baby n ncp when i have done nothing but the opposite. I do appoligize for letting my anger out in my post but I do think i shouldve defended myself, maybe not so harshly so i appoligize if my question was missunderstood or i missunderstood tiggers intent
He can sign the AOP, he can sign 20 AOP's, he can write "I'm the kid's dad" a million times on a piece of paper and it still doesnt mean A THING until there is a COURT ORDER.

If you are so tired of waiting (already....for a couple of months....:rolleyes: ) then PAY FOR A LAWYER and get him into court faster.

Sorry that people are jumping on you, but they know your type. When you DO get c/s, it wont be enough, he's not sending it fast enough, he should pay 1/2 of everything ON TOP of paying c/s, and when he gets visitation, you'll whine & bitch when he DOES take him and you'll whine & bitch that he's not taking him enough at the same time. He'll be a deadbeat dad to you, no matter how good of a dad he actually is, and then you'll start asking how you can terminate his parental rights, all because you are going to live your life angry at this guy and looking for every single way to get back at him instead of picking up the slack and moving on with your life.

Either raise the child on your own and pony up the dough to do so without his help, or get off your butt & do what you have to so you can get support, and hope that the dad wants something to do with the kid one day.

And you are still always able to give the child to two parents who want and can financially support the child.
tigger22472 said:
I will try to squeeze it all in before I leave to cheer my son on in a wrestling meet.

OMG... where do I begin... You were here every week while still pregnant whining about calling him and him not answering or calling and his parents listening in, calling and he not going to the dr. with you or whining he didn't call about your dr. appointment.

You have been here Numerous times talking about supervised visitation and under your control and 3rd party interference and how he doesn't see the child when you want thim to or doesn't come when YOU expect him to.

You have complained about support since he didn't buy a crib or diapers or anything else you thought he should...

There is much much more but I HAVE to leave now.. I'll get back to this either later tonight or tomorrow.
dont waste your breath your oppinion is not on my things to consider list thanx


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
Oh so since baby lives w/ me he is not responsible? No one said anything about not wanting the financial responsibility.... im not wasting my time w/ you its stupid oppinions like yours that lead ncps to believe children are property you pay for and take on the weekends like child rental. Having a child is much more involved than that
Since the baby lives with you, until there is a court order, NO HE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING REGARDING THE CHILD. THE END.

Just Blue

Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
oh and by the way bay, I have lots of respect for you, You always post politely and in a non-abbrasive manner no matter your personal experience or oppinion. You give the answer needed and eventhough it may not be good news you are never rude, Thank- you

Thank you for the comment...but that is n't always true...I can be as rude as that next guy...


Senior Member
Mbarr77 said:
You are controlling because you are trying to find any little way to make this father want to be a part of the babies life...that=controlling.

And by the way, OP...this usually results in pushing a reluctant father farther away.
MrsK said:
He can sign the AOP, he can sign 20 AOP's, he can write "I'm the kid's dad" a million times on a piece of paper and it still doesnt mean A THING until there is a COURT ORDER.

If you are so tired of waiting (already....for a couple of months....:rolleyes: ) then PAY FOR A LAWYER and get him into court faster.

Sorry that people are jumping on you, but they know your type. When you DO get c/s, it wont be enough, he's not sending it fast enough, he should pay 1/2 of everything ON TOP of paying c/s, and when he gets visitation, you'll whine & bitch when he DOES take him and you'll whine & bitch that he's not taking him enough at the same time. He'll be a deadbeat dad to you, no matter how good of a dad he actually is, and then you'll start asking how you can terminate his parental rights, all because you are going to live your life angry at this guy and looking for every single way to get back at him instead of picking up the slack and moving on with your life.

Either raise the child on your own and pony up the dough to do so without his help, or get off your butt & do what you have to so you can get support, and hope that the dad wants something to do with the kid one day.

And you are still always able to give the child to two parents who want and can financially support the child.
MY TYPE? YOU DONT KNOW ME! I dont care what he does as long as he pays CS. Id like him to do more but i know he wont, I asked for 5 freakin dollars in one month (i knew i wouldnt get it) but im greedy n nothing is enough right. take your oppinion of me elsewhere thanx

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