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happened today, very frustrated

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MrsK said:

And by the way, OP...this usually results in pushing a reluctant father farther away.

I admit you have a point there, it seems to have gone that way. i have no problem admitting when im wrong

Just Blue

Senior Member
tigger22472 said:
Bay, this poster has asked a multitude of questions... a lot of which she had deleted in the beginning, starting several months before the child was born. In one thread now deleted, she was asking about a b/f adopting the child. She denies this, however, both Stealth and I remembered this. When she got called out on it she started deleting threads pertaining to why dad wasn't paying for a crib and baby supplies for a child that was not born yet.

Then her complaints went to his family... then all of a sudden he was an acoholic and his mother was a drug addict who was never home but amazingly enough can sell from her home and constantly listen in on phone conversations.

This is all about control and what she can do. This isn't about the child. Every week while she was still pregnant she was here complaining that dad wouldn't communicate with her or support her or whatever. She's been told for months what she needs to do and how to do it.. so to ask if him signing the AOP means he now owes support is/was the last straw with me. Like many posters that come here, this one continues to ask the same questions over and over until she gets an answer she likes or wants to hear.

Tig...You do know that I agreed with what you said right?
I was just trying to make nm20 understand that life isn't fair...just cause we want it doesn't mean we will get it!


Senior Member
newmommy20 said:
MY TYPE? YOU DONT KNOW ME! I dont care what he does as long as he pays CS. Id like him to do more but i know he wont, I asked for 5 freakin dollars in one month (i knew i wouldnt get it) but im greedy n nothing is enough right. take your oppinion of me elsewhere thanx
You have proved you are "the type" by everything you have posted.

Why are you not surprised that he isnt giving you "I asked for 5 freakin dollars in one month "??

If he gives you money, its considered a gift. Because he doesnt have a court order, he IS NOT required to give you anything. And, he would be stupid to give you money.

First off, if I were him, I'd want a DNA test. Yes, you'll say "I KNOW he is the father..." but watch Maury Povich, there are all kinds of moms who say the same thing & the guy ISNT the dad.

Secondly, since you have supposedly filed for c/s (right?) he will be required to pay since the filing date. Anything he gives you BEFORE the order will (again) be considered a gift and he will get NO CREDIT for it.

Why would he give you the money?? He is not stupid enough to believe you will tell the court the truth & own up to any money he gives you, or that you would forgive arrears in the amount of money he gave you before the order.

Honestly this guy would be a moron to give you anything before an order. Especially without a paternity test.

AGAIN- if you want to get money faster, get a lawyer. It'll be really expensive (expect him to fight for custody and/or visitation and to put up a good fight) but it'll probably go faster that SES.

BTW YES you DO care about what he does other than pay support. You've done nothing but gripe about everything he HASNT done in addition to not paying support in ALL of your posts.
What I find so amusing in this thread ('cuz I sure am not gonna waste my time looking for poster's other threads) is the fact that even if and when she gets an order for CS, doesn't mean he's gonna pay it!!!!!


Here's what I think ,this post is a waste of everyones time....she isn't getting the answers she wanted so she will continue to argue the point. Op the people who have given you advice today and before now ,have been there done that and they do get frustrated when people do not take the well intended advice they give.


newmommy20 said:
well i havent seen it n honestly would rather not :)
You know you really are an extremely immature individual. You completely lost site of the point everyone is trying to make, and all you wanted to do is argue with everyone. Grow up, for your childs sake


Senior Member
YOU typed a mouthful, Mrs. K!

"Sorry that people are jumping on you, but they know your type. When you DO get c/s, it wont be enough, he's not sending it fast enough, he should pay 1/2 of everything ON TOP of paying c/s, and when he gets visitation, you'll whine & bitch when he DOES take him and you'll whine & bitch that he's not taking him enough at the same time. He'll be a deadbeat dad to you, no matter how good of a dad he actually is, and then you'll start asking how you can terminate his parental rights, all because you are going to live your life angry at this guy and looking for every single way to get back at him instead of picking up the slack and moving on with your life"

nail hit square on the head!

OP/NM20--I have a question---
if financially things are so tight, perhaps selling that computer you're typing on might help out a bit?

just a thought~


Senior Member
baystategirl said:
Tig...You do know that I agreed with what you said right?
I was just trying to make nm20 understand that life isn't fair...just cause we want it doesn't mean we will get it!
Yeah, I knew you were agreeing with me..LOL The OP has just irritated me to no end with her tirade of questions... all always pertaining on either how to get the father to pay, get him out of the picture or control everything.

She will continue to state that she didn't ask at some point about a bf adopting but again she conveniently started deleting posts the last time she was called on things.

The problem here is the age of the OP. She refuses to listen to anyone. She knows it all. As someone else said she will always look for something to whine about when it comes to this father, he'll never be good enough. She has been told since before this child was born what she needed to do in order to get a support order and time and time again that he's not responsible for support until it's ordered. She had to be told repeatedly that he was not obligated, not only to go to doctor appointments with her prior (or after) the birth, obligated to buy any supplies for her home for the child, or to even take her calls when she called him multiple times. She is never happy with an answer unless it's the one she wants to hear and she thinks she can tweek the question over and over to get the answer that she wants.

What she doesn't want to hear is that we have all been there and done that. She doesn't want to hear that there are those of us who went through this for years, she doesn't want to hear there are those who continue to do this every single day and that there's little to be done. She doesn't want to hear that she actually has to work to get something done and that even then there are no guarantees.

She is tired of doing all of this and the child is only a month or so old. She doesn't even have the right to say she's 'tired' of this already. When she's spent night after night holding her child when they cry because they don't think their daddy loves them or she has to explain to her child why their daddy doesn't see them, when she has a court order and he's thousands of dollars behind, when dad has made no effort (even when she's tried) to see the child in a year, then she can come and complain. Until then she needs to suck it up and listen to those who HAVE been there... but that's just me in my dream world!!


Measley five dollars..... Seen that before....

He is not obligated to pay you anything. You nor the BABY... Which is sad on his part. But until you take him to court and the court tells him he is obligated, you get NOTHING.... Sorry but that is the way it is....
If he gives you $5.00 now, later it will be "I need $10.00, then you'll be saying, I need $15.00". It's endless..... If you would have nailed him earlier into marriage, you wouldn't have this problem now- it would be something else though....
Sorry about Fla. taking to long.... in CS that is.... You being the parent, you really shouldn't depend on it. I only say that cause some week you might get it, the next you might not. But, anyway, Fla. CSE, they do take their sweet time, it's been 3 long yrs for my DH to get what he's getting and that is NOTHING. YET....LOL


Good Luck.....

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