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Have I screwed the pooch?

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? GA

I am NCP father of 2 kids. I am not happy with their mom. I have learned my ex has been taping our phone calls (legal, I understand). This worries me b/c I have said things about refusing to pay for the uncovered medical expenses (our papers say 50/50 split)and I have made some threats to her job (I have pull with the employer) to try to get her to cooperate more. I don't want her using CSE b/c they are garnishing me saying I am behind (they get the support for the month either at the very end, or the 1st couple days of the next month.
I got her to agree to child support as a dollar amount only based on my regular salary only, and any additional money I make would be paid at the states percentage for 2 kids (25%) based on what on that additional income winds up being. She agreed to do it this way so that on months I don't make as much, I can pay accordingly. If the support had been calculated using all my income at the time, the monthly dollar amount for child support would be higher.

I am worried because I have refused to pay the additional support that is not spelled in actual dollars in the papers. I think she would have to prove that income and take me to court to get it, and maybe not get it at all, but she might have recorded phone calls . I also remember telling her that I would hide royalty income by having it go to a 3rd party and that I arranged with my new job for my boss to pay me where she could not get her hands on certain types of my pay (like travel, vehicle allowance, per diem) for child support. Now I fear she has all this recorded.

I have challenged her to take me to court. But now I am worried b/c I remember telling her that I don't care what the papers say, I care what is fair. I do think I am being fair. I think she gets too much money. I know Georgia law is changing and if support is being calculated based on the new regulations, she'd never get that extra percentage amount.

1) Should I hold out until laws change in July and not pay her the extra, gambling that she might have trouble proving my income and then she'll never get it because the laws changed?

2) How can my phone calls to her that were recorded possibly be used against me?
I regret making those comments now, but can't change the facts. I wouldn't have said that stuff if I knew that she was taping.

How likely is it she can enforce the agreement on child support that is extra?I don't think it can be. Would she have to take me to court to do it? I dont think she deserves it.She gets enough from me anyway.
Thanks for your time .

Q: Have I screwed the pooch?

A: I think so!:rolleyes:

But just wait for additional opinions to follow******************************************......:D ;)


Junior Member
Okay, I appreciate the candidness, but I wanted to spell out what I was facing so the advise might be based on all the pertinent information. Even the uncomfortable facts.
Legal advise is appreciated.


Senior Member
Dude...you have messed yourself up badly. 1) Refusing to pay your share of the medical expenses as ordered, 2) threatening her job, 3) refusing to pay the extra that was ordered, 4) threatening to hide income.

You are legally and morally 100% in the wrong....and she has PROOF because you are on tape.

Even if you can go back for a modification under the new rules, ALL of your income will be included and will be averaged for the year....and you will STILL have to pay your share of the uncovered medical expenses.
Plus, the new system doesn't guarantee you a lower amount of child support.

Its easy for her to prove your income...the courts will require you to provide all income information, and if you are dumb enough to try to "cheat" on that it will just dig you deeper into the hole.

OBEY the current court orders. File for a modification in July and see what happens. In the meantime, stop shooting yourself in the foot.


i think i feel sorry for the pooch:eek:

as fo legal advice...sorry none
as for my advice...dont act like such a jerk and you wont have to worry so much...you may not think "she" should get your money but dont you think you have an obligation to help support your kids


Junior Member
Will a judge take the time to listen to any possible recordings? I have heard not much in that area, but I have been told some wont take the time but others will.
not legal advice

Ithildriel said:
Just wanted to let you know that nobody likes you, and your mom dresses you funny. :mad:
Please....do respond further and as far as the clothes thing, Mom was legally blind and always did have a tough time picking things out that matched.:rolleyes: :D
LegalStranger said:
Please....do respond further and as far as the clothes thing, Mom was legally blind and always did have a tough time picking things out that matched.:rolleyes: :D
I was talking to OP, but thanks for sharing :p


Under the Radar Member
maniacal said:
Will a judge take the time to listen to any possible recordings? I have heard not much in that area, but I have been told some wont take the time but others will.
Do you really want to gamble on the judge not listening?


Senior Member
If she alleges that you said this, that or the other and you admit that you did...the tapes have no reason to come into evidence. If deny saying those things, the tapes may be admissible for impeachment of any of your testimony to show you are lying.
And a judge doesn't necessarily have to listen through the tapes. If mom has them certifiably transcribed, most judges will just read the transcription report.

I'll refrain from commenting further. Anything else I have to say would be "less than nice."


Senior Member
Why are you "not happy with mom"? You ought to be kissing her a$$ about now. She's let you get away with not having to pay what you should in child support and when she DID bring the matter up, you ADMITTED that you were going to hide assets and threatened HER means of supporting the child. All because YOU don't think she DESERVES to collect money from you to support the children that YOU helped bring into this world!

You DARED her to take you to court and now your afraid she might really do it! That is just TOOOOO funny! I don't know your exwife, but if anyone ever deserved to be squeezed out of every last penny they ever even THINK of earning, it YOU!

I don't think you've "screwed the pooch" here, but you should get out the vaseline, cause I've got a feeling your in for being the one to get "screwed" in the very near future!
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