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Have I screwed the pooch?

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Junior Member
Well, thanks for all the helpful and not so helpful replies.

I do pay the support to my children based on my regular salary, just haven't on the other pay. I really feel that she should do more. I actually created the position she has with the company she works for. She should be grateful, not demanding more. I have told her that by cooperating, she can keep the job she has. she is pretty bold to risk her job by not cooperating on some pretty small issues, and why should I have to share every source of income when I am the one who is creative and smart enough to earn the extra income? she is a damn sponge.
she gets the support every month. she b1tches because she gets it at the end of the month or first of the next month. I have told her I get paid then, so that is when she gets paid. she has tried to say that I need to get tot he point that she is getting paid at the 1st of the month instead. she should be grateful that I am not a deadbeat.


Senior Member
maniacal said:
I actually created the position she has with the company she works for. She should be grateful, not demanding more.
That was awful nice of you! Considering that she only created LIFE for you, TWICE, she should be more gateful! :rolleyes:

Just Blue

Senior Member
outragedMOM said:
I agree with you baystategirl! Gee, :rolleyes: I wonder if this is my EX, LOL!:D

It could be anyone of the j-off "fathers" that we hear about...sad...Well...We can only help that what goes around comes around!! ;)


Senior Member
baystategirl said:
Are you as disgusted by this OP as I am??:(
My favorite line would have to be the part about how he does pay support based on his income, but only PART of his income! :rolleyes:


If the shoe......

ceara19 said:
My favorite line would have to be the part about how he does pay support based on his income, but only PART of his income! :rolleyes:

If the shoe was on the other foot, he'd be complaiming bout how he don't get $$ when he should.....:eek: Be a real man and step up and support your youngins..... When your suppose too.:mad:
It sure is ashame that kids don't have a choice of who their folkes are...
Poor kids.....


Senior Member
Raping animals is against the law, OP******************************************:eek:

Amazing a woman even gave you access to her.


Senior Member
StarsMoon said:
If the shoe was on the other foot, he'd be complaiming bout how he don't get $$ when he should.....:eek: Be a real man and step up and support your youngins..... When your suppose too.:mad:
It sure is ashame that kids don't have a choice of who their folkes are...
Poor kids.....
But, according to him, he IS taking care of his kids because he is "ALLOWING" mom to keep her well paying job that HE created for her.

If mom doesn't want to cooperate, fire the b*tch. But don't come back HERE and complain that she hauled your a$$ back to court and doubled the child support because YOU screwed with her ability to not only support the child, but also herself. If you are trying to pay LESS support, give her a raise. But by threatening her livelihood, you are playing a very stupid game of chicken that you have NO WAY of winning. You back off and stop with the threats, you lose. You follow through, mom no longer has ANY money of her own and the court will hold YOU 100% responsible for support your children AND her, since you were the cause of her losing her job, again YOU LOSE.
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