i'm actually surprised that a NCP would complain about the one hour of traveling no matter what the actual distance was. when i was the NCP, i drove 4 days a week, and EOW. My route took me from Hawthorne to Downtown LA, from Downtown LA to Montebello, then from Montebello to Hawthorne. Then back around again for the end of the day drop off. i did all the driving. cost me from $600.00 to $700.00 a month in gas. I was on the road at least 4 hours a day. I worked part-time and paid child support. i now have a patch of gray heair on my left temple and i am only 30. and my job was literally 3 minutes away from my home. granted, i am so glad i will never have to do that again, but i wouldn't change it any other way if i was no longer the custodial parent.