I disagree with most of the replies. This is a freeAdvice forum, most of you redirect to a lawyer. People that wants a free advice, need help from people willing to give free advices.
A lawyer is the best option, but I don't have the ability to pay $250 per hour, nor willing to pay 1h, unless I gather information prior wasting money and time.
You guys, unwilling to provide free advice, please find a paid-Advice forum, where you can simply answer: my advice for you it's to contact a lawyer.
Seriously, you are in the wrong website. If you are unwilling to give free advices, go somewhere else.
There is no need to read discovery questions about personal financial information.
I linked a form, no one replied, id the form the correct form to extend the discovery deadline? You are so greedy that you can't even direct users to fill a form themselves.
Definitely, you all are ruining the customer experience seeking free advice (beside 'hey, consult a lawyer, that's my free advice!')