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Junior Member
We had a 'safety' speaker due to a sudden increase of lost time and fatal injuries at plant sites. I work in a corporate setting. The speaker asked me to come to the front of the room and duct tape a man to a wheelchair to simulate handicap. As I returned to my seat the speaker said to the man "I bet when you came to work today, you didn't think you would have a pretty girl tape you to your chair."

Any comments? It's a large company, and I was humiliated by a sexual comment in front of the entire organization. Also note that the majority of employees are male and the average age is around 45. I'm a young (in my 20s) female.


Senior Member
TotalLossBS said:
We had a 'safety' speaker due to a sudden increase of lost time and fatal injuries at plant sites. I work in a corporate setting. The speaker asked me to come to the front of the room and duct tape a man to a wheelchair to simulate handicap. As I returned to my seat the speaker said to the man "I bet when you came to work today, you didn't think you would have a pretty girl tape you to your chair."

Any comments? It's a large company, and I was humiliated by a sexual comment in front of the entire organization. Also note that the majority of employees are male and the average age is around 45. I'm a young (in my 20s) female.
What was the sexual comment?
If that is all that was said and he didn't go "wink wink" I think you are overreacting.

The only thing I can think of is you took it to reference B & D.
From what you posted I would tend to think you had sex on your mind rather than anybody else.
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What about his comment did you consider sexual? Was there something in how he made the comment? Was there an offensive sexually tinged gesture or facial expression?

Maybe it was a statement of fact. Are you pretty?

Some young women in their 20's would be offended by being called a "girl."

I suspect a lot of people, including those in wheelchairs, would be aghast at the notion that duct tape was used to simulate a disability!

Given the reasons you cite for the speaker's address, I "wouldn't sweat the small stuff." You are not injured and you are not dead.


Junior Member
There was no need to refer to me as a "pretty" girl, or even a "girl".. what is it's importance to the comment if not sexual?


Senior Member
TotalLossBS said:
There was no need to refer to me as a "pretty" girl, or even a "girl".. what is it's importance to the comment if not sexual?
It may not have been neccessary but it by itself is a far cry from sexual harrassment.

mentioning gender does not make something sexual harrassment. It doesn't even make it sexual.
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Junior Member
The speaker did in fact on several occasions during the presentation grab himself, scratch himself, and make jokes with sexual connotation.

I feel expecially sensitive to such comments due to the fact that I am one of approx 20 'under 30 women' in a large (at least a thousand) corporate setting and only very few of the women are unmarried.

Seperately, I am now running into unwanted flirting from a much older male coworker in which he calls me 'his pretty (or beautiful) girl'... it creeps me out and I feel its inappropriate. I thick he realizes it too when he says "and I could lose my job for saying so."

Do you agree? Is it totally inappropriate? Need more info to have an opinion?

It's people like you that take all the fun out of going to work.

If you were my employee I'd fire you.


You appear to be overly sensitive. Sexual harassment is based on a reasonableness standard. Your response to the comment made about you isn't reasonable, nor is your apparent concern about working in a corporate environment with a large number of males and only a few young unmarried females.

I doubt that most of your male co-workers are on the prowl, looking for young women to sexually harass. If you have a problem with a particular male co-worker, you need to address that by telling him that you object to his comments and they need to stop.

Maybe it's time for you to find a job where the demographics make you more comfortable.


Dear Actively Seeking Offense,

Get over yourself.

The World


Are you really pretty? Maybe people are just saying those things to help you build some self-confidence. I'll bet 20 years from now when you aren't so pretty anymore and a little more mature and in touch with reality, you will be wishing someone would refer to you as pretty.


Junior Member

I'm not crying harrassment. You took my text out of context. I never said anything to suggest that I planned to take any legal action.

I do not work in a bar. My credentials are not my looks. Comments of such a nature are inappropriate in a professional workplace.

1000Sparks- Don't worry, I have too much education to work for you...I don't flip burgers!

CheeseBall- Survey says, you never receive compliments and wouldn't understand that some compliments, no matter if they are nice or true, can be unwanted. I think I speak for the world when I say, "If you have nothing meaningful to say, stay off the thread."


Senior Member
My response:

Now, if the moderator told you to get on all fours on the stage, and got behind you to give you that cream pie, while holding your boob, and then screaming "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggg", then I MIGHT think it was sexual harassment. But, I'd need to see it.



Is your aversion to having comments made about your appearance limited only to males or older males? Would you be so upset if a female or a young man said that you were pretty? Such a comment doesn't negate or denigrate your work credentials. You've got a lot to learn about survival in a corporate setting.

Your credentials aren't going to get you very far, if you are viewed as not being able to accept a compliment and as lacking the common sense necessary to distinguish between a compliment and a sexually offensive statement.


Senior Member
mitousmom said:
Is your aversion to having comments made about your appearance limited only to males or older males? Would you be so upset if a female or a young man said that you were pretty? Such a comment doesn't negate or denigrate your work credentials. You've got a lot to learn about survival in a corporate setting.

Your credentials aren't going to get you very far, if you are viewed as not being able to accept a compliment and as lacking the common sense necessary to distinguish between a compliment and a sexually offensive statement.
My response:

Oh, please. She's a big, fat, ugly bitch.



Junior Member
This website is a joke. I seriously doubt lawyers even post on here. It's probably just some wannabe lawyers or law school students (law school rejects even) taking out their negativity and trying to feel important. If lawyers DO post on here, then they probably aren't good at their job anyway (i.e. too much time on their hands) and want to put others down to feel powerful.

TotalLossBS - several of this so called "legal experts" on this website told me to not make a big deal out of my boss sexually harassing me (go see my previous posts if you like).....they even told me that EEO won't take my complaint/case. You know what? EEO offered to take my case AND a 2nd one of his victims has decided to fight him too now that she knows that I'm fighthing him.

Go to your local women's center and get a referal. Tell them that you are seeking a sexual harassment attorney. These attorneys will usually give you a 20 minute free consultation over the phone.

Don't listen to the negativity. I am also in my late 20s and work with mostly men. My boss sexually harassed me for 6 months last year. I finally got the courage to fight back and now a 2nd victim has come forward too.

Fight back against these harassers and don't listen to people who tell you that you are a 'trouble maker' and overly sensitive. If you don't feel comfortable about a boss/coworker's action towards you, THEN that's harassment! Also, check your company's sexual harassment policy and take it with you to a lawyer if you decide to see the lawyer in person. Good luck and keep your chin up. Sexual harassment isn't about sex or about physical attractiveness. Sexual harassment is about power; specifically, the abuse of power.
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