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Senior Member
As a 'paralegal' (NOT an attorney), you should certainly know the definition of 'misunderstood'. It means, "To understand incorrectly; misinterpret.". Since you never mentioned anything about your quasi-legal status, there obviously wasn't anything to misunderstand.

Maybe you really meant, "weren't able to read your mind". That is one of the assumptions that a lot of posters on this forum assume we (as senior members) can do.

Also, and since we are now playing your game of symantics, are you a partner in the office??? If not, then it really isn't "our law firm" or "our firm"..... you should have said, "my employer".

Have a hap-hap-happy day!!!:p



Actually, I did mention in my last post to IAAL that I worked in a law office -- I also put in my profile that I am a paralegal.

No, I don't expect you to read my mind -- nor, do I care that you didn't look any further for information.

"I simply don't care enough about you to bother."

Hope you have a wonderful day as well. :cool:



But, then you might catch a disease.....:eek:

-still having a good day....:cool:


Senior Member
My response:

Here's just ONE example of how meddling and moronic stepparents can be, and what can happen to them. I hope "Tennisgirl" is reading - -

Colleen Greenla
Junior Member

Registered: Aug 2002
Posts: 1
Child Support Lien on Home
What is the name of your state? California

My husband and I are in the process of selling our home. He has back child support arrearages of $96,000.00 and the county we reside in placed a lien on our home. Arrearages were accumulated while he was incarcerated for 7 years and prior to our marriage? Is there any way to resolve this? When we bought our home it was in both our names for 24 hrs., then he signed the house over to me as my sole property. Isn't at least 1/2 the equity in the home mine? Could the state/county collect all the equity on the home for his debt, even my 1/2 of the equity?

08-29-2002 12:30 PM

Senior Member

Registered: May 2000
Location: Catatonic State
Posts: 16767
Re: Child Support Lien on Home
Colleen Greenla said:
What is the name of your state? California

My husband and I are in the process of selling our home. He has back child support arrearages of $96,000.00 and the county we reside in placed a lien on our home. Arrearages were accumulated while he was incarcerated for 7 years and prior to our marriage? Is there any way to resolve this?

**A: yes, pay if off.

When we bought our home it was in both our names for 24 hrs., then he signed the house over to me as my sole property. Isn't at least 1/2 the equity in the home mine?

**A: yes, but your half interest is an undivided half which he also has an interest in. There are 2 things going against you:
1: community property laws
2: the property was in his name at one time.

Could the state/county collect all the equity on the home for his debt, even my 1/2 of the equity?

**A: yes so that's a hard lesson to learn. Don't get into trouble with the law and pay your child support. I hope the property can be sold so that his children are benefactors of the money that rightfully belongs to them.

08-29-2002 12:54 PM

Senior Member

Registered: Jan 2000
Location: Los Angeles, California
Posts: 15667
My response:

Obviously, this "stepmother's" husband is a serious deadbeat that she's trying to "enable." Typical stepparent stunt.

Any, and I mean ANY, transfer of property during any time when child support is in arrears in California, is looked upon as a "fraudulent transfer".

Did your deadbeat of a husband REALLY believe he'd get away with this?

What a moron. And, you are too for getting involved with a person like this. This is pure vindication, not only for the child, but also for me because most stepparents deserve what they get, and confirms everything that I've been saying all along about certain stepparents.

This one's for the "Gipper."



Senior Member
huskerfan41 said:

But, then you might catch a disease.....:eek:

-still having a good day....:cool:
Yeah, but any disease that she might get is curable. However, yours isn't..... glad you're still having a nice day.... except most of us have moved on to Thursday.



You know halket -- you are such an obnoxious *******, i'm beginning to smile when reading your smart-ass comments....

LOL :p

You are pretty much one of those guys who always checks for dotted i's and crossed t's are you?

Oh, well -- your humor is rubbing off on me -- and please do not make some kind of inuendo out of that.... :D



Damn it! So I can't get boyfriend to transfer all his assets into my name so he can quit paying child support and have nothing to be taken from him?

Give me a break....yes I'd say that was a pretty moronic example of the human race - not necessarily of a step parent.

Sorry that you've had such bad experiences with step parents I AM ALWAYS LIABLE....guess us step parents can give some great examples of pretty moronic lawyers then again too...

Don't worry - I have been reading all your quaint examples of how evil step parents can be. With your massive legal expertise, I'm surprised you have enough free time to spend looking that stuff up. Must be nice, I wouldn't know...I stay pretty busy myself. Or else I would have been busy looking up some pretty nasty lawyer stories to share with you. Oh well, glad that we could serve as bait to entertain your boring existences....

Hey huskerfan...I'm pretty pissed off at life right now and haven't gotten any in a while, what'd you say we start our own web site and pass it off as - get this - "free legal advice" LMAO...Once we bait some people in, we'll get them to share their legal questions and then we'll rip their stories to pieces and make ourselves look good because we have all day to write clever stuff about how evil they are. You know, step parents, consumers, small businesses, whatever...

Hey Halket - be a dear and do me a favor...didn't have time to run spell check and make sure I used "we" and "ours" appropriately...think you could look over this a few times?

I am so glad that I was able to provide you guys with some entertainment these past few days...sigh...sorry to go but I'll leave you to choose your next bait.

And I am having a absolutely FANTASTIC day! Goodbye! :)


Senior Member
Tennisgirl, your post looks good and does not appear to have any errors, thanks.

And please don't misunderstand, your frustration and even anger in this situation is fully understandable. The problem that we had was your insistence that you had some legal rights in the situation. We were never demeaning your feelings or position... just trying to point out that the laws do not give you any rights. This is truly a very emotional issue.... I am sure that you have every intention and desire to try to help your boyfriend, but the law doesn't support you.

If it would help, lets try to reverse the situation. Lets say that five years from now, you have two kids with your current boyfriend/husband. For whatever reason, you two have split and he has found another girlfriend. Would you 'appreciate' her input into your relationship?? Would you be understanding that 'she' is just trying to help?
Of course not. And the law would be on YOUR side.... she would have NO legal right to interject her opinions or feelings into YOUR relationship.

Our responses were not intended to be, nor where they, personal attacks on you... only that you had no legal standing in the affairs between your 'other' and his previous family.

Best of luck to you... and I hope that in retrospect, you did receive something of benefit from this forum.


Halket --

I'm impressed. You were extremely nice in this last post....:eek:

It wasn't too hard was it -- or, is your absence here this morning due to the fact that you are ill???? (jk -- :p)

btw -- in your last post:

"Our responses were not intended to be, nor where they, personal attacks on you... only that you had no legal standing in the affairs between your 'other' and his previous family."


I'm sure you meant "...nor were they, ..."

I'm sorry -- you left yourself wide open for that one..... :D

I am understanding your humor a lot better now....


Please do not lump all step-mom's into that category... :( -- she obviously has an awful lot of other issues going on...

And, I have seen some bad step-mom's out there... But, there are those of us who really do love our men -- and love the children -- and are not just obsessed with thought of being in the middle....


Geeze, I missed this novel? A subject to which I DO have firsthand knowledge of!!!

I'd like to offer my humble suggestions, as a stepmother (the children's father and I are married):

1. First and foremost, LOVE and care for the children, with everything you have within you. Get to know them and respect them (no matter what their ages). That's the only "right" you will ever have, so utilize it.

2. Be there emotionally, physically, and in every tangible way for your spouse and his children. Be supportive where needed. (Do not confuse "supportive" with the always inherant, non-solicited "advice" we stepmoms (wives) tend to lavish on our husbands/boyfriends!

3. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS take into consideration the BEST INTEREST OF THE CHILD/REN!!! THINK ABOUT IT! CONTEMPLATE! MULL OVER IT! SLEEP ON IT! BEFORE you voice your concern about ANY issues that arise regarding your spouse and his children (or their mother!) If the relationship between the ex spouses is civil and they openly communicate in a non-hostile way regarding the children, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!

4. Remember, you inherit stepchildren when you marry someone with children. But perhaps the title of "Stepmother/Stepfather" is too often construed to mean that somehow the step inherits certain legal rights regarding those children. False. The only title that we should really wear is that of "the father's wife or mother's husband". Period.

Many excellent posts were submitted regarding the role of the step-parent. No one said it more exceptionally than (sorry, I forgot who is credited for this one) when someone relayed a scenario of putting one's self into the shoes of the biological parent and having a new wife/significant other, interfering/interjecting their opinions with the issues regarding the children. If you think long and hard about that one...you cannot deny how foolish you will appear to be (and will actually be) if you throw caution to the wind and "butt in".

Happy trails to everyone!

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