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Junior Member

as far as I know you are a plumber or a janitor (No offense to plumber or janitors). So your advice is not as important as you think. Oh god I posted the same question 4 times and was accused of wasting peoples time. Ok morality police come and get me. I would like any advice people want to give. I dont need a lecture from anyone, espically someone in a forum. If you dont like my posts just go away and dont write. But something makes you keep coming back for more. Obviously there are a lot of angry unhappy people here. At least I got a laugh out of how serious some people take themselves.

I did not have anything negative to say about any advice anyone gave me. If you had actually given any advice I would not be writing this with a negative feel. You decided to get involved with someone elses problem with me. Just go away dont respond to my posts if you feel so strongly about it. I will not sleep tonight hinking that I wasted my oportunity to get your advice. (yeah right)

I am one of those angry people being harrased by you people is not going to get a positive reposnse. My conversation with someone else is really not any of your concern but you made it your concern, I wonder why?

Have a wonderful Day :p


Junior Member
purple2 said:
https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=223162 In Health Ins. forum
https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=223157 in fringe benefits forum
https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=223161 in divorce forum
https://forum.freeadvice.com/showthread.php?t=223164 in divorce forum

1st STICK TO ONE THREAD ONLY. Duplicate posting in multiple forums is a great way to waste our time. Please don’t.

OH so so so so sorry this is the end of the world as we know it. What thread should it be in there are multiple issues involved in this. And you caught me I posted them just to waste your time since I know how ultra valuble your time is especially since you find the time to read all the threads.

IF This muyltiple posting which as a new poster I was unaware was illegal really wasted anyones time or messed up the forums or delayed someone getting an answer or advice then I am truly sorry.

But Ity was my intention to waste time and cause a big problem so yeah I won.

This is why YOU SHOULD HAVE MODERATORS. A moderator would not have added the line good way to waste our time. Please that is not at all neccessary people come here to get advice on legal matters not advice on forum rules.

Abviously people come here when they are in a aggitatied state and it makes moderators for the forums extremely important.


Junior Member

Unbelievable. I guess posting one complex question 4 times is the end of the world it waste so so much time and favors.

I wrote the question to maybee see if it was legal. I am getting screwed by my husband and his employer and I am not feeling well. And all I get here is we are so valuble and we give favors you have to be polite and this and that, give me a break there is no advice here. If you want to get paid then get a job. No one cares that you are not getting paid and everyone knows that, if you are in the forum and you think your so valuble maybe you should give some actual advice instead of harrasment.

Were are these rules and god you people act like i spamed the forum with some kind of nasty thing like we all get in out junk email.

All I wanted was to see if what was going on was legal. This place is useless anyway because YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHO IS GIVING YOU ADVICE.

I suggest getting a real lawyer or looking up the law yourself, this forum is not a good way to do anything except waste time (at least everyone can agree with that).

So sorry if I offended anyone by posting 4 of the same questions :eek:
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