OP weighing in. Thanks all for your comments. You all had some pretty good insights and suggestions. Consulted with 2 attorneys today who both indicated they have dealt/heard many identical stories over the last year, and they are increasing. I dont know how common it is for two attorneys to agree on anything, but both felt that given that there was no loss incurred, the low dollar amount and that the bank investigation has been closed, it is opined that the best path forward with the bank would be simply a clear accounting of what happened;, timeline, events, etc. This matter may not be over yet, but I have my next steps. The majority of conversation/coercion took place via "KIK" so there is little tangible evidence and harder still to track the individual, although we do have an email and the check. Will be submitting the available material to IC3.gov (FBI Internet crime complaint center). However, I have clearly had blinders on as to my teen's level of maturity. This has been a painful (but apparently necessary) wake up call. And, to many of your points, she is clearly not mature enough to have unfettered access to internet or a bank account. Thank you - greatly appreciated.