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Is a lawsuit worth it?

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Senior Member
Oh, Jesus.... do you do nothing but whine and cry!! Must be a symptom of your being a bitch!! Oh, oh. To you that must have been sexual discrimination!! I guess you are now going to start a droning, boring post claiming that my conduct must somehow be actionably by you, huh?? You have as much chance of winning THAT claim as the one you continually misunderstand about your (obviously justified) employer.

Hell, let us know who your employer is and they can present a printout of this thread to show the court how you lack common sense and understanding.... and seem to ignore the facts even when set out clearly in front of you.

Seems pretty clear to me that your employer was well justified in firing your ass..... just as the next will be if you don't get treatment. :D

Other than that.... who cares what you do?? I don't.

Oh, and more final thing... if you have all these lawyers just 'chomping at the bit' to get started on your contingent fee case..... why the hell are you still here?? Simple answer, you don't!! Show me ONE of these many websites you imply is out there who says ANYTHING about taking a case like yours on contingency!! You can't, because they simply are not there.
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I'm a Northern Girl
In every one of my responses I told you that there was NO POSSIBLE WAY we could give you the type of answer you were looking for. I did not ask you questions; I gave you some of the factors that are involved in determining the value of a case. YOU interpreted them as questions and took it upon yourself to answer some of them; you never did answer them all. Which means even if I had meant them as questions, we STILL wouldn't have been able to answer yours.

You're the one who wasted everyone's time refusing to take NO for an answer.


"You're the one who wasted everyone's time refusing to take NO for an answer."

Do you still not get it? If your answer was "no, I cannot advice you", you should have simply not replied to my post at all. YOU wasted YOUR own time. This site, at least the way it presents itself, is meant for people to share their similar cases, or knowledge of similar cases. Not for people like you to advice them: "stupid go find an attorney." Nobody is going to take "no" for an answer, especially from someone as ignorant and irrational as you. End of the story. Now stop wasting my time and your time and get a different hobby.

As for JETX, ha-ha-ha. Sure, now you have proof that my case is weak based on the fact that I proved your posts are ignorant. That is the best proof you could have found. So you tried to become an attorney and you were booted, and you take it out in these forums? What a sad way to cope with your failures. Take it to court, retard. Let's see how long it takes them to laugh their ass off at you. Oh, and regarding the 'contingency fees', don't you even know how to do a search? I have no time to teach you, so if you don't believe me, and you cannot do a search, then believe what you want. After all, what do I care? Hahaha


I'm a Northern Girl
You're the one who doesn't get it, but if I tried for a hundred years I evidently wouldn't be able to make you understand why. There are limits to what a message board can do; what you were asking for is beyond those limits. That was told to you several times; you refused to accept it.

Now, you want the last word? Go ahead and take it.


Senior Member
Why are you still here?
You're like the whiney little kid who keeps yelling, "Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Mommy!!!! Mommy!!! Mommy!!!" over and over again until you finally get someone's attention. Then, you make some inane statement like: "Look I can put my finger ALL the way up my nose!!" :D

Clearly, you have all the answers you need. And you obviously don't need, or can't understand the responses you have gotten on this forum.
So, go talk to your attorney. Any further whining, bitching, moaning, braying, on your part is clearly proof that everything you have said so far about having all this great contingent fee legal services is purely bullcrap.

So, have a very nice day. Go talk with your attorney. Get your lawsuit started. Come on back AFTER you get a decision from the court and let us know how it ends up.

Goodbye. Sayonara. Adios. Vaarwel. Auf Wiedersehen. Adeus. Au revoir.
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It is not even mixed motive. There simpy isn't a motive other than discrimination, since I was only responding to a sexist comment, and my response was seen as inappropriate, while the sexist comment was allowed. My adversaries were all males, so you get the picture. I don't want to go into details right now. All I want to know is if anyone has been in this scenario, or knows of similar cases, in order to approximate results. I don't want exact amounts either. Just need to know what can I get, besides back pay, out of this. Just enough information to figure whether it is worth pursuing this. I haven't gotten to a lawyer yet because before that, I wanted to get "free advice" in this forum in order to get acquainted with other people's experiences. But I guess I got what I paid for: Nothing.


Senior Member
As alluded to in your other posts..... the fact that YOU feel the statement made was sexist..... has no bearing on whether it was, or even if it was actionable. However, the termination due to YOUR comments is not actionable..... and not discriminatory by itself.
The employer has the right to terminate you for YOUR conduct.... even if you feel it was justified or warranted.

Meryl Doe

It sounds to me like you have a good case. If your conduct was equal to your male coworkers' conduct, and you were fired, while they weren't even reprimanded, it screams sex discrimination. You should pursue the lawsuit. You might be entitled to more than you think and the great news is that MOST of the lawyers for these cases work on contingency, so you don't have to shed a cent for this.
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Senior Member
Meryl Doe said:
It sounds to me like you have a good case. If your conduct was equal to your male coworkers' conduct, and you were fired, while they weren't even reprimanded, it screams sex discrimination. You should pursue the lawsuit. You might be entitled to more than you think and the great news is that MOST of the lawyers for these cases work on contingency, so you don't have to shed a cent for this.
*** And of course, Meryl Doe feels so strongly about this that she is going to fund your lawsuit, right?? Of course not. It is very easy for someone else, with nothing invested or at risk, to make spurious claims as to what YOU can do. The bottom line of course is, yes, you can file a lawsuit. And no, based on your post, you have little or no chance of winning.

Meryl Doe

Nobody needs to invest anything in this lawsuit. Most employment lawyers (who defend the rights of employees, (who most usually don't have the means to invest in lawsuits))will work on a contingency basis and will take 33% of your final award. On the other hand, when the lawyer defends the emploYERS, then they will charge outrageous fees. Even a toddler knows this infomation.

Just based on the vague description of your case, it is clear that if what you say is true, you have a case. It will be up to the jury, or to the lawyers who handle your case, to make the final decision.


Senior Member
Even on a contingency fee case, the client is responsible for costs incurred by the attorney - filing fees, deposition costs, subpoena fees, etc. Those are costs that the client would incur during the case even if they did not have legal representation.
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