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Is it illegal to take photos in my windows?

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Are there any products out there like that, that will allow the sunlight for plants in?

This is the only window in our home that we can get sun for our plants. An, no we cannot just get rid of the plants....they are a coconut palm, purchased and shipped from Hawaii, and a banana plant that both require direct sunlight. We cannot put them outside...too cold.

Besides, I shouldn't have to do that. She should have to stop.


Senior Member
Gee, lets see.
$30 for window tint...... or
$3000 (or more) for legal expenses and LOTS of aggravation!!


Senior Member
aloha43 said:
Are there any products out there like that, that will allow the sunlight for plants in?

This is the only window in our home that we can get sun for our plants. An, no we cannot just get rid of the plants....they are a coconut palm, purchased and shipped from Hawaii, and a banana plant that both require direct sunlight. We cannot put them outside...too cold.

Besides, I shouldn't have to do that. She should have to stop.

**I believe there is a product that lets the "light" in while making it impossible to see in and if you're just concerned with one window it should not be too expensive.**



note this from my earilier post. She is breaking the law. Persue it again and if you have to take this section of the California Penal Code with you to the police department.

(k) (1) Any person who looks through a hole or opening, into, or otherwise views, by means of any instrumentality, including, but not limited to, a periscope, telescope, binoculars, camera , motion picture camera , or camcorder, the interior of a bathroom, changing room, fitting room, dressing room, or tanning booth, or the interior of any other area in which the occupant has a reasonable expectation of privacy, with the intent to invade the privacy of a person or persons inside. This subdivision shall not apply to those areas of a private business used to count currency or other negotiable instruments.

The actual chapter of this code is posted in an earlier reply of mine.

Good luck!


Senior Member
And 'Only', I already posted why your offered information is not applicable.

This person needs to get a life. So, the neighbor is a pain in the ass. Okay. The person is taking pictures of and towards a window. Okay. That does NOT mean that it is being done for lewd or lascivious purposes. This neighbor is definitely a crazy!! Okay. We all get that.

Now, it is time for the poster to get on with HER life and quit 'feeding' this joint paranoia. It is clear from the posts that to some extent BOTH parties are crazy. One is taking pictures over the fence and jumping on bicycles. The other is amassing a video library of her neighbor. Clearly this is a case for Springer.... and not for the courts!! And so far, we have ALL spent too damn much time on this thread.

Let the crazies sort this out..... to me, it sounds like both of them need a 'time-out' and to be sent to their rooms!!!


If this were you, JetX, you'd think otherwise.

If you had a neighbor that was yelling at you, flipping you off, yelling at your kids threatening to slice their cats heads off, throwing garbage into your yard, throwing down your kids bikes any chance she gets, and taking photos of you through your windows at night, wouldn't you try to stop her? Come on.

And, regarding your other post, you neglected to finish the sentence..............or the interior of any other area in which the occupant has a reasonable expectation of privacy, with the intent to invade the privacy of a person or persons inside.

That applies.
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Senior Member
Okay, you win. Though I don't agree that this neighbor is doing so with the "intent to invade the privacy of a person or persons inside", lets say that you are correct.

What do you want this forum to do now?? The ONLY option you have is to contact the police and file a complaint. You have the statute. Give them a copy when they arrive. Demand, nay, INSIST that they arrest her for this action.

There is really nothing else that this forum can do for you.....


You ask me what I want this forum to do for me? Suggestions....isn't that why anyone posts to this forum?

And just because you think this post should end, that doesn't mean that it isn't helping others.


aloha43 said:
Let me clear something up here.

She is not taking pictures OF the window! She is taking pictures INSIDE our windows. She is taking photos of our home and US, day or night. She has admitted in her bogus restraining order paperwork that she has snapped pictures of my husband through the window, I guess trying to prove that he is looking out at her.

The problem here is.........we have the right to look out our window, especially when we hear noises (she has admitted to tresspassing and theft, but we cannot prove it), she, on the other hand. should not be looking into our home let alone taking pictures. That should be a total invasion of privacy.

And to follow up on an earlier post which stated that there would only be glare if taken from the outside is wrong. Yes, where she is standing the pictures show us on the inside of our home.
I'm going to repeat this one more time. No, your neighbor cannot take pictures, while standing outside, of the interior of your house in the daylight. It simply cannot be done. The human eye has a great deal more contrast latitude than does film. Now, if she were photographing from the outside at night into an illuminated interior, with the camera mounted on a tripod, she could get an image of the interior. It wouldn't be a sharp pictures but she could get an image. But you can control that by closing your blinds/drapes on the windows at night. Now, if you knew an f/ stop from a 4-way stop sign you would know the reason why neither she nor anyone else can photograph the interior of a building from the outside of the building during the day. (You ever stop to ponder why a flash is used by a photographer even when he standing inside a building and photographing inside the same building! It's all in film latitude and the f/stops.)
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aloha43 said:
If this were you, JetX, you'd think otherwise.

If you had a neighbor that was yelling at you, flipping you off, yelling at your kids threatening to slice their cats heads off, throwing garbage into your yard, throwing down your kids bikes any chance she gets, and taking photos of you through your windows at night, wouldn't you try to stop her? Come on.

And, regarding your other post, you neglected to finish the sentence..............or the interior of any other area in which the occupant has a reasonable expectation of privacy, with the intent to invade the privacy of a person or persons inside.

That applies.
Sorry but no one who leaves their blind, drapes, or curtains open at night can claim to have an expectation of privacy. In fact, disrobing before an open window at night is the benchmark of an exhibitionist. If you want to assert the claim of privacy at night, you must close your drapes, curtains and/or blinds.


Senior Member
aloha43 said:
You ask me what I want this forum to do for me? Suggestions....isn't that why anyone posts to this forum?

And just because you think this post should end, that doesn't mean that it isn't helping others.

***Why don't you just ignore her? Everytime you make a fuss over this, she wins, because she wants to get a rise out of you. Its just like trolls on message boards. Everytime you respond to them, they win. She's a troll, she has proved that these are idol threats, ignore her and close your drapes at night.***


Senior Member
Yeah, right. Like there are going to be others in this circumstance who are so thick-headed that they refuse to take even the simplest of steps to put this behind them..... and are so intent on 'getting even' that they accumulate a library of videotapes of their neighbor, watching them, watching you, watching them....... ad nauseum.


Wow. I do see a Springer episode here. In my tiny view I can see only a few viable options. Its obvious the criminal court is not going to help because the DA who makes the decisions has already told you it wont work. The restraining oder is a nice idea, but rarely worth the paper its printed on. If the parties abide by it then great, it doesn't sound like they will. As long as I have been doing this I have never ever arrested anyone for violating a restraining order. So, I advice a civil suit. Taking the inexpensive way so far has not helped. Hire an attorney and sue the neighbor, sue the landlord, and sue the company that owns the property. That should get her evicted - and possibly yourself. Simply the service of the papers may be enough. A high fence may also do wonders. If it were me, and my family was in danger as you seem to believe, and if it came to the point that walking on my porch with a weapon seemed a reasonable action, or that I had to have an "elaborate security system" installed, or my property was continually being trashed, privacy invaded, children cussed.....can you see the point here? Its a trailer park, not Trump Plaza. MOVE AWAY. What can possibly be keeping you there to continue this? Good schools? Good fishing? Good neighbors? High tornado tolerance? I appologize if it sounds like I am making it sound trivial, but so far so has the law enforcement, the courts, and the DA. What's it going to take?


I think talking about shooting people is a little drastic, why not but up a big fence anf get a big dog.


Senior Member
Don't you just love it when these newbies come on the forum and post inane, useless posts to a thread...... especially when that thread has been dead for more than two months, as in this case!!!!

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