In regard to Zephyr's response about filing contempt charges. . . If there's a magic way to get the court to do/say anything to the ex, I'd sure like to know about it as well. We had 9 police reports to hand to the court of x's court order violations for withholding visits, etc. and they still did nothing to her! All they did was keep telling my husband that "contempt is hard to prove", etc. What else do we need to prove when we have 9 police reports??! I don't trust the court system at all anymore (in CA anyway). Husband even asked the judge personally exactly what should he do when the ex denies visitation again. The judge said to go in on an ex-parte. So he did, and then the same judge still does nothing. They won't even SAY anything to her - tell her to stop it, nothing. It's so frustrating.