Wow! I wasn't aware one could "steal" christmas from someone! That's a new one on me! Maybe that's what my husband ex has been doing every year that she has the child for christmas and leaves the state for the holiday! (When we have the child for christmas we don't go anywhere and end up sharing the holiday so that the child can enjoy the holiday with both parents)
I'll have to tell my hubby that one!!
As for the mom's day. She's whistling in the wind. The judge would laugh her out the door. No way does a stepmom get mother's day unless the mom is absolutely no way in the picture.
My stepchild always gives me my mother's day gift the weekend before. I have a good relationship wth my stepchild and there is NO WAY I would ever presume to expect the court or anyone else to equate me with the MOTHER who gave birth to this child. I am the stepmom and have my own place in the family.
That's just outrageous that she would expect to get every other mother's day. I suppose in her world, those are her kids that you just happen to have given birth to. I also suppose she likes to ignore that annoying little fact? I guess denial is not just a river in egypt.....
but it is surprising how much hope we pin on a new baby. Our lives became infinitely easier when my stepchild's mother gave birth to their new son a couple of years ago. She quit obsessing over the everything and actually became much more pleasant to deal with so maybe in your case the new stepmom will be so busy with HER child that she won't mess with YOUR children!!!