I think that most of us just don't know how it could be changed to make it better. Every time I think of something that I think could make it better, it makes it worse in other ways.
For example, I honestly believe that children need the security of having one place that is "home". However, I also believe that children need face time with both parents as often as possible, even daily if possible. However there are few divorced or separated parents who could make that work. I really think that the whole concept of sleeping equal nights at both homes is horrible for children. I cannot imagine any adult who would be willing to live that kind of lifestyle, so why do we think its right to make children live that way? Yet, at the same time in many scenarios the non-custodial parent would end up marginalized without that.
Parenting credits in child support calculations are extremely fair, yet at the same time it causes many, many more fights about timeshare as many people tend to attempt to minimize or maximize child support. How do we fix that?
Does mediation bring less conflict or more conflict? Do Gals, evaluators and Casas bring less conflict or more conflict as parents attempt to portray the other parent in a bad light?
I just flat out don't know how to make it better and what could be changed to make it better...other than parents leaving their egos at the door.