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Mother's Day Family Visit

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Senior Member
You need FIVE attorneys.

One to listen to you.
One to figure out what you "really" meant.
One to shut you up.
One to make the alcoholic beverages.
One to drive everyone else home.


I seriously hope this post is never ever deleted.

But I believe I just got two demerits, SP ;)


Senior Member
I'm sorry that I unintentionally misled you.

You need TEN attorneys. At least.

And I believe I need one or two, also.


If you said that to a Navajo, it would be an insult. If you say that to me, I'll make up words whenever I want. I wasn't aware there were vocabulary rules in this forum, as a pre-requisite to posting.

In regards to the court clerk advice, my wallet belongs to my attorney. But what you are saying is? if I hire more attorneys would they be from my state of filing the Paternity Action in Texas? Or would they be in a Navajo Nation court? And would it need to be in Navajo Nation if the father denies paternity? Couldn't I just waltz back to Texas? I mean, you guys are really on my patootie, (dictionary?) as if I am a child abuser.

I'm not sad because I'm not getting sympathy for being denied seeing my son for joint custody and being fair, and providing data for every statement I make. No one has hit me in the Navajo court with a dictionary either. I want to know, can they make up stuff.

I recounted the fathers tpo accusations as I was originally asked. I did not and never had a conversation with the child about DNA. I am in the process of a home study by CPS, did the fingerprint, background, spontaneous home visit and filled out all paperwork truthfully within the required 10 days of receiving it. My attorney and I both requested a home study, and even extended the study from my temporary residence in Navajo Nation, and my home in Texas and my parents' home as well.

The father has not filled out the application, he has not fulfilled any terms of the home study. He has a domestic violence and arrest history and has not completed the background check nor submitted references. He denied the paternity and asked me to pay for the DNA and the court stated if he contests the DNA he pays. So I didn't ask for the DNA, and I did not tell the child. The TPO petition by the father, suggests that was the situation.

I can say whatever I want here, that I did or I didn't. Ultimately it may be the home study, but would I need a out-of-state representation if I feel that I am complying - THIS IS MY PATERNITY ACTION - he is filing for a TPO and is delaying a dna test. My attorney didn't show.

Is there anything else you want to sandblast me for?


Queen Bee
Regarding Isis. The question that was posed to me was what the charges were. The charges were that I discussed the DNA with the child.

I did not.

However, if I did say anything, I offer examples of what I might have said. And the only time I can remember DNA coming up is when there was a show on it and the child asked me what was DNA, and that's what I said. But I'm telling you, it had nothing to do with the father, and it was before this incident, and I'm saying this like truthfully, that is all I remember.

I do know who I sleep with. And that isn't very nice of you to say. The only person questioning the DNA is the father, which only came forward with his refusal to pay child support. And I didn't ask for child support, the child support is a part of the Paternity Action.

I have not said anything to the child about DNA or his dad. I am repeating the allegations the father made against me. fyi.
Since the child is registered Navajo that nation's laws apply. Not state laws. You NEED an attorney versed in the laws of the Navajo nation because that is who you will be answering to.


Junior Member
I am under the impression that this is a forum to come and ask for advice. If you are telling me to shut up, then what is the point of the forum?

I'm engaging not to argue, and I'm not a P.h.D.

I'm not sure if I'm up for being chastised. I came here thinking this was real forum for people who have legal problems and need advice.

My dream was for my son to have a father and a family, I didn't realize that I was having a child for Navajo Nation, and that I would be removed as a mother, based on fabrications.

This is not a court room and I'm not under oath. I didn't perjure myself, and I'm not on trial right now.

I was asked, specific questions, and I tried to answer. If you have a problem with what I am saying why are you answering?

What is calling me a liar and a perjurer about, that is what I am being accused of. There's no way to say I didn't, once someone says I did. So if I did, what I expressed is how I feel. Talk to the child and if I am guilty then persecute me. Silver tongued liar? What are you talking about? I don't have to lie. I'm the mother, I'm not denying any DNA and I don't care that the father is asking for it. I'm for it - either he is or he isn't. But I didn't ask, he did.

I don't know if the statement made in court is accurate by the father. But he claims that the child asked him about DNA and if he's the dad. I don't know if that happened or if it didn't. I only know what the child told me and that is Dad says I can come see him after the DNA test.

What in that says that I STATED TO THE CHILD ABOUT THE DNA? I'm open to speaking with my son about the DNA, and I've spoken openly about that. But the events in question did not happen. Am I supposed to argue with fabrications and people in this forum want to say I'm a liar. Well, I can go somewhere else. I just thought someone out there had advice. And I'd really like it before I begin making decisions about my son's life that may be irreversible. I don't want him to lose his family, but I am denying mine by submitting respect to Navajo Nation.

I mean just because I think I have a problem doesn't mean I have one. And if I said I didn't have one, doesn't mean I don't.

I didn't come here to tell a story or lie. I just want advice and someone asked me a question. Just because you are a member of this discussion group, doesn't mean you can tell me to shut up. This is a forum? Fine, go back to your other questions, geezh.


Junior Member
And if you have time for one more question... lol

How long do I wait for my attorney to respond? He's always shown up, but if for some reason he doesn't answer the court petition, and if I can't contact him, how long do I wait before I interview new attorneys? Can a new attorney, close out the old matter, and attend to this? Can I just close the matter now, since he hasn't taken the DNA or the homestudy, and just say bye? How much time will I have to prepare a new attorney to take over the old one's job?

Can they take my son, based on fabrications, if my attorney for some reason doesn't answer me or the court?

Just Blue

Senior Member
If you wish to be thought an idiot please continue to make up words. If you wish to be taken seriously utilize a dictionary before posting.


I'll make up words whenever I want. I wasn't aware there were vocabulary rules in this forum, as a pre-requisite to posting.
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Junior Member
If you wish to be thought an idiot please continue to make up words. If you wish to be taken seriously utilize a dictionary before posting.

I am here asking for advice. I am not using a spell checker. I'm here on the Navajo Reservation, there isn't internet service for 100 miles. Most people out here speak navajo, and I have a navajo dictionary. I don't know anything about being taken seriously in an internet forum requesting legal advice about my situation. I'm on a shacky laptop, at a McDonalds in Kayenta on the Navajo Reservation, and I'm struggling with what I should do. If I were Navajo would you say the same thing, because if you spoke to someone who is not an english as a first language speaker, you might be found to be offensive.

Yes, I made quotation mistakes, and yes, I said the word conversate, and the only advice around here is that I am a silver-tongued liar trying to get away with something. What am I trying to get away with here? I'm here with my son, I know he is my son, I don't have any problems with the father asking for a dna test. So why would I speak with my son about it? I openly engage with conversations with the counselor regarding the things the father says to the child. Neither the father nor the advocate are present. Interview the child. I'm not blocking the child from seeing his father, and I am not willing to be bashed by an abuser who is making stuff up as he goes.

And the advice in this forum is that I am going around with people I don't know and sleeping with them and don't know who the dad is?

Actually the only advice I got, was that I needed to find an attorney through Navajo Nation, which I have. But what if something happened to him? He's not answering anyone's calls, not the court, not anyone.

Forums advice? Hire 5-10 and 2 or three for me? Shut up? And you have something to say about my spelling? My use of quotation? Exploring the charges and my opinions and seeing if any of it is relevant? And someone is almost right, I know for a fact the father told the child before the event in question, and I brought the child to a counselor to deal with it. But the father and the advocate were not there? Am I missing something?
How can I take you seriously?

I gave you my experience, that is all I can do. Questions were asked, I answered them.

I paid for an attorney. An attorney could tell me, well this guy is blowing you off, this guy might have a significant family emergency and this is what he will do. This is how many days you have to find another attorney. An attorney or someone who has experienced this can answer that.

Regarding the charges, someone with dv experience could advise me. What I've learned so far, is no don't go to the Mother's Day event. So, the child think's he's going. Do I have to take him to social services so they can explain this decision?


Senior Member
If you wish to be thought an idiot please continue to make up words. If you wish to be taken seriously utilize a dictionary before posting.

prerequisite is not a made up word. Yes, she put an unnecessary dash in there but quite a few college brochures do that as well.

Main Entry: pre·req·ui·site
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)prē-ˈre-kwə-zət\
Function: noun
Date: 1633
: something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function

— prerequisite adjective

At most she spelled it wrong. Spelling something wrong does not make it a "made up" word.

Do I agree that mom overshared with the child when she absolutely should NOT have done so? Yes, I do. Mom deserved some chastisement for that and some explanation of WHY that was improper.

However, mom is in a situation that she doesn't understand, dealing with tribal issues that she doesn't understand, and dealing with a father that she doesn't understand.

Does anyone acknowledge how amazing it was that she CHOSE to move to the reservation, not to be with dad, but to allow her son to experience his heritage?...AFTER she and dad were no longer an item?

Kudos to her for that. Is she perfect?, No. Does she deserve to be erased as the child's mother just because the child is a tribal member and dad is an apparent nutcase? No as well.

I am really get tired of the "witch hunting" around here. This kind of "pack mentality" is what caused the Salem Witch Trials.

Blair...if your attorney isn't responding to you, then at a minimum you need to be talking to some other attorneys who are experienced in tribal court.


Junior Member
Thanks for the props.

Okay, so let me see. I can't say anything at all about anything at all with the court? Let me just say I am relieved that I didn't completely clarify the actual chain of events, because with this group, everything I say can and will be used against me. I made generalizations, but there is dialogue that I haven't presented. Revealed too much to the child? That's so hard for me to take. As soon as the child came to me with what the father said, I took him to the counselor. The situation that is at hand is completely fabricated and the events are completely false. So I am connecting two episodes together in this forum, and that still doesn't make me having the original conversation with the child. But I'm okay, I'm processing just hearing it, in time, perhaps I will recognize what I did wrong.

But what I am recognizing is that I cannot have visitations with the childs family because I can't handle what the father is doing with the info.

Thanks for the real advice those who chose to be real.


Senior Member
prerequisite is not a made up word. Yes, she put an unnecessary dash in there but quite a few college brochures do that as well.

Main Entry: pre·req·ui·site
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)prē-ˈre-kwə-zət\
Function: noun
Date: 1633
: something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function

— prerequisite adjective

At most she spelled it wrong. Spelling something wrong does not make it a "made up" word.

Do I agree that mom overshared with the child when she absolutely should NOT have done so? Yes, I do. Mom deserved some chastisement for that and some explanation of WHY that was improper.

However, mom is in a situation that she doesn't understand, dealing with tribal issues that she doesn't understand, and dealing with a father that she doesn't understand.

Does anyone acknowledge how amazing it was that she CHOSE to move to the reservation, not to be with dad, but to allow her son to experience his heritage?...AFTER she and dad were no longer an item?

Kudos to her for that. Is she perfect?, No. Does she deserve to be erased as the child's mother just because the child is a tribal member and dad is an apparent nutcase? No as well.

I am really get tired of the "witch hunting" around here. This kind of "pack mentality" is what caused the Salem Witch Trials.

Blair...if your attorney isn't responding to you, then at a minimum you need to be talking to some other attorneys who are experienced in tribal court.

The Salem Witch Trials? Really? Not so much, L. Not so much. If you're sick of it, you know what to do. The exact same thing that you've advised others in the past (me included ;) ). Take a step back.

OP, I do agree that you need an attorney who is familiar with Tribal law, because the rules just aren't the same and even the most diligent and sincere parent can be completely screwed.

The Tribal Law Clearinghouse may be able to point you in at least a vague direction: Justice Systems of Indian Nations

Start reading, and calling.


Junior Member
Well I just got a call from the MIA attorney. So half the emergency is over. What I got from this forum, is that hiring an attorney for the child, will be an important step in this process. And the Navajo's I've spoken with say that if he is considered for foster care, Navajo Nation will place him with family before any stranger. So, my parents are preparing attorneys, so that is 2 rather than 5-10.

Ldij, your post really broke things up in the process over here. All of a sudden everything started happening! Thanks to you and ohiogal. You know having advice when you are in free fall, I really needed. And I guess arguing with the pack of geese kept me from interviewing attorney's until mine could reach me and the court. So all in all, it was worth posting frantically for advice. I think I would have spent more time freaking out about the tpo's potential without an attorney, and getting more attorney's seems to be the only way to fix it.

Ldij, if you want to see the film vanishing prayer its on youtube. Since you are the first to call me blair! lol
Vanishing Prayer: YouTube - vanishing prayer

And I if that was the best the geese could come up with, I hope that's the best arguments out there, cause I definitely can handle it, the argument part. Let me now add that I have to admit that yes, being quiet and changing my court demeanor is in order. I can't change the inner beast that requires vocalization when anyone attempts to control the freedom of speech between mother and child, digesting it is a life-long process. That doesn't mean I said anything ! lol

I'm going to ask my attorney how the ICWA applies if the father denies but I imagine it boils down to the psychological assumption by the child, maybe I'll share if I don't get shut down for contributing. Or chased out of McD's. - to burger king, where the code talker museum is housed; at least at the code talker museum they'd be asking if the geese had a dictionary!

Thanks for the link to tribal institute too, I'll check it out.
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Just Blue

Senior Member
prerequisite is not a made up word. Yes, she put an unnecessary dash in there but quite a few college brochures do that as well.

Main Entry: pre·req·ui·site
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)prē-ˈre-kwə-zət\
Function: noun
Date: 1633
: something that is necessary to an end or to the carrying out of a function

— prerequisite adjective

At most she spelled it wrong. Spelling something wrong does not make it a "made up" word.

Do I agree that mom overshared with the child when she absolutely should NOT have done so? Yes, I do. Mom deserved some chastisement for that and some explanation of WHY that was improper.

However, mom is in a situation that she doesn't understand, dealing with tribal issues that she doesn't understand, and dealing with a father that she doesn't understand.

Does anyone acknowledge how amazing it was that she CHOSE to move to the reservation, not to be with dad, but to allow her son to experience his heritage?...AFTER she and dad were no longer an item?

Kudos to her for that. Is she perfect?, No. Does she deserve to be erased as the child's mother just because the child is a tribal member and dad is an apparent nutcase? No as well.

I am really get tired of the "witch hunting" around here. This kind of "pack mentality" is what caused the Salem Witch Trials.

Blair...if your attorney isn't responding to you, then at a minimum you need to be talking to some other attorneys who are experienced in tribal court.

What the heck are you talking about? The word the OP "insisted" she would continue to "make up" was "conversate".

As a DIRECT descendant of a man pressed to death in the SWT I will say that you need to educate yourself on American History. :rolleyes:

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