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My CIVIL RIGHTS are being violated!!

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welfare benies

Oregon does NOT offer FINANCIAL assistance!!!! For a single person with no children at home I never said anything about food stamps!! And yes Broken Tibia IS ON THE list believe me I have read it so many times!!!!
Taken for SS website!
.06 Fracture of the femur, tibia, pelvis, or one or more of the tarsal bones. With:

A. Solid union not evident on appropriate medically acceptable imaging and not clinically solid;


B. Inability to ambulate effectively, as defined in 1.00B2b, and return to effective ambulation did not occur or is not expected to occur within 12 months of onset.
Cleaning up the place!
It was very embarrassing, all the garbage EVERYWHERE, broken down cars that had IVY growing up thru the hoods and wrapped around the wheels , the tow truck had a hard time getting one out of the parking lot!
It's better now, maybe they will get the moss off of the roofs! Just because the people that live here are poor Doesn't mean that they SHOULD'NT have any pride about where they live!
Have a great Day!

Thanks Deana!

There REALLY WASNT any basis for the eviction! It was sent via email, was just told they would let me stay until the end of March, then sent me new recert papers to fill out, to change my ONE YR LEASE, to a month to month! Well, I did not fill them out! I have already done so, and was re certified in Dec. 09! Nothing has changed so there is NO REASON for me to have to fill them out again!
Dirty rotten trick! Is what it is, but I'm really NOT that stupid! With my yr. Lease, They cannot give me a NO_CAUSE notice to vacate! If I would have filled out the new papers to change everything, they COULD give me a NO-CAUSE notice!
I really just CAN"T wait to move out of here! Looks like I will be getting my Disability! Need to go to Voc-rehab. Maybe for Property management!!!!!

I haven't had time to read this entire thread, but I wanted to let you know that I personally manage USDA Rural Development subsidized apartments, you can pm any questions to me if you would like and I will help answer what I can. From what I have read, I would HIGHLY suggest doing exactly what HUD tells you to do. They wouldn't tell you to do anything without a reason, which I think from the looks of things you have said, they definitely have good reasons.
Thanks Raisinmaddy!!!

You would be very interesting to talk to for sure!! This whole thing has been horrible!!! I really just cant wait to move...just cant afford to! YET!!!
Thanks again!


Senior Member
I'm curious ...so, is the landlord getting the full value for a two bedroom unit, or are they now potentially stuck with only getting half of what they should be getting?


I'm curious ...so, is the landlord getting the full value for a two bedroom unit, or are they now potentially stuck with only getting half of what they should be getting?
The OP is being subsidized in a 2-bedroom unit, just as she was when her daughter lived with her. The rental subsidy paid to the owner by the housing authority has not been reduced. The owner is not losing money.

As discussed earlier in this thread, this situation is very different from private-market rental housing. A private landlord is not required or expected to accept a lower rent in order to accommodate a person with disabilities.
This OP likes to play with semantics.

Food stamps AND housing are welfare. Welfare is a needs based benefit.

You have avoided all the questions it doesn't suit you to answer. Balcony=2nd floor. So you can climb a flight of stairs...

As I said, a broken tibia is not a listed impairment. You need to meet the rigorous guidelines of the actual continuing problems, including regular dr visits and compliance with treatment plans.

You have a pattern of changing your answers to meet the needs of the situation. This will not bode you well in life.


Senior Member
As I said, a broken tibia is not a listed impairment. You need to meet the rigorous guidelines of the actual continuing problems, including regular dr visits and compliance with treatment plans.
from what I could understand (and remember 'cuz I am surely not going to re-read this entire thread to find it) during this thread is OP has an ankle problem related to extended time without motion due to the surgeries on the leg and subsequent casting.

other than that, I agree with you.


Senior Member
While I accept the OP *may* have a legal argument, as a person who pays and not receives money from the government, I disagree.

We have a long thread here. Many give great support, and a few give suspicion. I lean to the suspicion point of view. While I completely accept there is a possibility the OP may win, I think that sucks. While I love helping out my neighbor in trouble, I think the OP asks too much. Strike that--the OP *demands* too much.

I'm done with the thread as the equitable portion seems clear to me. I understand the legal issues are unresolved.

I promise to vote to make things equitable.


Bonnie, there's another suggestion I'd like to make for you. I keep waffling on whether to make it or not, but I think I will. I hope you take this in the sprit of helpful criticism in which it is offered.

You have what is, to me, a really annoying habit of ending every single sentence with an exclamation point. Often several exclamation points. Even the sentences that are not exclamatory statements. It makes you come across as hysterical and overly excited. Now, I sincerely hope you don't give a rats ass what annoys me, a perfect stranger who has no impact on your life, because you really shouldn't.

My concern is that if any written communication (emails, reports, official statements, or any written narratives) is neccessary between you and all the people you're dealing with, you should probably try to tone down the "My name is Bonnie!!! I live in California!!! In a two bedroom Section 8!!! and write with a calmer and more reasonable demeanor. If one must communicate in writing, how that writing describes you as the person they are dealing with can make a big difference in how they perceive you, and that will influence how they respond to you in turn. For all I know you use perfectly proper punctuation in your important business writings, I just wanted to point this out to you just in case.

No legal advice here, just a helpful hint that I think will help you as you try to communicate your needs and wants to those people who will be making those decisions for you.

I hope a solution that is fair to everyone involved, including you, can be found.
Living my Life

Thanks for all the advice on punctuation...balconies, climbing stairs, SSI laws, you are all so good, I really wasn't looking for advice on all of that but thanks anyway!!!! (OOPS) Exclamation ,sorry. don't mean to offend anyone.

Well let me tell you about climbing stairs with a broken leg, I had to have someone help me sit down on the top one in the pouring down rain, windier than hell, I would have to sit on my butt, with someone holding my leg in front of me, work my way down, where there was a wheelchair waiting to get me to the car, FOR MY NUMEROUS doc visits, 28 physical therapy appts. Getting in the car was real fun too. Ive come along way since then..But I still use crutches to get up the stairs! I was a prisoner in my home....

I came here to the wrong place to find out info about my civil rights, ADA Laws and Reasonable Accomadations...wow....I have gotten so much advice, OPINIONS...Not the laws....There was one person though that did help...Deana thanks...Have a good one all....goodnight


The Social Security definition of disability does not apply to reasonable accommodations under the Fair Housing Act. The bar is much lower. For accommodations, the person must have an impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities (http://www.hud.gov/offices/fheo/library/huddojstatement.pdf).

I don't see any useful purpose in questioning whether the poster is "worthy" of government benefits for which she qualifies. I asked earlier in this thread, is the community better off with OP sleeping in her car? Congress and state governments have already cut these programs down to the bare bones. Citizens who feel that the rules are still too lax can always contact their elected representatives.


I came here to the wrong place to find out info about my civil rights, ADA Laws and Reasonable Accomadations...wow....I have gotten so much advice, OPINIONS...Not the laws....There was one person though that did help...Deana thanks...Have a good one all....goodnight
And then there were the other fourteen people who have been following your thread for over a month and offering important information they thought would be helpful for you to know or understand.


Senior Member
I don't see any useful purpose in questioning whether the poster is "worthy" of government benefits for which she qualifies. I asked earlier in this thread, is the community better off with OP sleeping in her car? Congress and state governments have already cut these programs down to the bare bones. Citizens who feel that the rules are still too lax can always contact their elected representatives.

worthy or eligible. A big difference. Personally I do not believe her disability should make her worthy but that does not alter the fact of whether she is eligible or not. The powers that be will make that decision.

if she has a valid lease that is good until the end of this year (or there about), all of the talk is useless as she cannot be booted or re-classified until the lease end. She is safe in her apartment until then, period.

so why all the verbiage wasted on this if she is legally safe until then?

She simply rebuffs the attempts to have her modify her lease and she lives there until the end of the lease.

I just do not get all the drama.
I think I've come across the one defining point for me in this whole thing.

OP admits she lives in a 2nd floor apt. With her condition as she states it regarding her leg/ankle, the single *most reasonable* accomodation she should be looking for is a first floor apt!!!

I also don't think it is as black and white as if she loses this apt she's in her car. I think that if push came to shove she'd be able to pull it together. Disabled doesn't necessarily mean unable to work. I've worked with plenty of ppl who had disabilities, worked while disabled myself.

Again, I just feel she's only giving the info she feels supports herself - if it weren't for all the smoke and mirrors I'd probably have more empathy and she'd be more believable overall.
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