Oh and almost forgot!!!
How can I be so DUMBhubby??
According to the LAW, and so many here say that ALL MUST ABIDE EXACTLY BY COURT ORDER, NCP MUST have child back by 6PM every Sunday. Since that is NEVER accepted by NCP(always LATE) I should file and have her in contempt of court!!! And NOTHING in orders states(i just read it 3 times) ANYTHING about drop off time other then time required to DROP OFF, which is 6PM!!!
What on earth was I thinking all this time when she was 30 min, 45 min, 50 min, and even an hour or 2 LATE??? I was thinking there was mitigating circumstances, such as traffic, weather, or just wanting a few more minutes.
I NEVER said anything now, but according to all the seniors here I CAN FILE , GET CONTEMPT, AND HAVE HER POST HERE TO GET HER TIME BACK!!!!!
But geez now, there is NO SPECIFIC statute that states otherwise! Im not required to be reasonable here when it comes to orders!! No, our forefathers died for nothing to keep american law OPEN for circmumstances(yes this law is OPEN, people and stems from the revolution..accept it or not)
Where is all the hardcore, must abide by specific statute now? Im waiting? See? COme on now Im waiting. Oh wait I dont have to enternity. Give it up LOL