Mike Cummings
We have been to court for 3 appointments over the past few months initially because she had asked dhhs to do a income review because she is trying to go after a foster care stipened payment I receive for a disabled patient that lives with me.It is only recently over the past few months (because the judge told her that she needs to follow the court order for my visitation) that she hasn't been interfeering as much with my time with my son. But in the past and in general she will make my son feel bad for comming with me on my time. Sadly She has been able to alter how my son thinks about me. Plus he wants to please her. So it is only recently that I am able to pick up my son without problems. Now I am trying to figure out how to make sure my son gets proper nutrition. I can't change it without her support, and on the short time periods I have him.His 2nd test came back normal range for the white blood count. If I remember correctly it may have been due to antibiotics or ear infection. Either way I will check again. It's hard to say everything on this site in so few words. But basically I do believe some of the lab work results were from poor nutrition. I should have a copy of the results my self. If she will give me the dr's info.. It's hard because she purposely excludes me from things. I only know what she tells me. I do not play the same games that she does or use my son as a pawn like she does for the record. I appritiate the responses either way. Thank you.