I filed Chap 7 on my Business. I did not turn in certain schedules by the deadline (5/16/2019) because I couldn't find an lawyer to pick up the case. I was told the case would be dismissed because of that. So I didn't respond to Motion for Relief, which I do regret. The Court granted the Order on 6/28/2019. The court dismissed case for not meeting with creditors on 7/5/2019. The case was closed 7/24/2019.
What's your question?
Please note the following:
1. An entity (corp, llc, etc.) must be represented by counsel.
2. A corporate Chapter 7 is typically not recommended since corporations do not get a discharge in a Chapter 7.
3. Who filed the Motion for Relief and why? If it was a secured creditor why do you think the judge would have denied the Motion had the entity filed a timely response? If payments are not made the lender gets it property back.
4. The Motion for Relief, response or no response, became moot when the case was dismissed.