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Parent lied about child support payments

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Senior Member
Its obvious that I'm a little less bitter than you. It amazes me how complete strangers can be so disrespectful to other people on an Internet forum. It still proves my point that none of you are lawyers and your "advice" is entirely from your own personal standpoint. Good day!
Guess some lil bratty didn't read the TOS, huh.

Honey, please do not let the door hit you on the back side as you leave:D


Senior Member
Its obvious that I'm a little less bitter than you. It amazes me how complete strangers can be so disrespectful to other people on an Internet forum. It still proves my point that none of you are lawyers and your "advice" is entirely from your own personal standpoint. Good day!
I'm a CP dad who is also not getting CS from the ex. Bitter? Nope. I don't think that anyone who answered purported to be attorneys. The advice we give is based on law.

Please go to an attorney. Please. And then come back and tell us what that attorney said.

(I'm taking bets on an OG Factor coming up. :D)


Senior Member
Thanks for the advice, but its obvious everyone commenting is a bitter ex-wife who didn't receive child support. Obviously none of you seem to get that custodial parents will keep child support payments for themselves. And everyone seems to selectively look over the fact that lying about receiving child support payments is against the law. Those payments never bounced because you all also failed to look over the fact that I said my mother spent those payments on herself. Yes, we had clothes, shoes, the whole shebang. But my father always paid for those things, even when he was making those full payments.

Perhaps I should go seek legal advice from actual lawyers. I apologize for assuming that a legal forum would have advice from members who are actually lawyers. Its obvious none of you are, and would rather spit your own personal venom than to actually give any real advice.
Let's get the facts straight:

1. I'm not a women.
2. I pay more in child support than you could possibly imagine. I continued to pay every cent even when I was unemployed and had not income.
3. The money I pay goes to my ex who is providing food, clothing, shelter, etc for our daughter. I have no right to an accounting and would never expect one. Our daughter has food, clothing, and shelter while at ex's house, so my money is being properly spent.

AND, most importantly:

4. You say that you saw Dad writing child support checks and have direct knowledge that he paid Mom. Why didn't you speak up during the hearing? Why didn't you testify that you know that Mom was paid?

Oh, yeah. If you had done that, you wouldn't be able to attempt to claim money that isn't yours.


Under the Radar Member
Thanks for the advice, but its obvious everyone commenting is a bitter ex-wife who didn't receive child support.
Sorry to disappoint you. That's actually something positive I can say about my kids' Dad - he does pay what he's ordered, usually on time.


Senior Member
Says the kid trying to grub up whatever cash he can from his mommy, since she made him <GASP> cook.
awww come on Zigner, go a little easy on the bratty. Cookin them ramen noodles is temendous work. Take it from a lady who has a kitchen just so it can look purtiful:D


Junior Member
I like everyone's ass-umptions. Too bad you didn't realize I never asked my parents for a dime when I moved out at 17. Perhaps you wouldn't be so bitter if you didn't have grown children still living at home.


Senior Member, Non-Attorney
I've asked my children to live at home. Next asinine comment...

I like everyone's ass-umptions. Too bad you didn't realize I never asked my parents for a dime when I moved out at 17. Perhaps you wouldn't be so bitter if you didn't have grown children still living at home.
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