MrsK said:
And even if it IS a violation of parole (and I seriously dont think it is...) what do you want to happen, for them to revoke it? Then he goes back to jail, where can can not pay anything. So that doesnt help you either.
Im sorry about adding new info everytime, Im really not trying to waste anyone's time just trying to find out if anyone knew more then what I have gathered so far...It seems as if everyone has different answers depending on who ya talk to...So, I will tell you what I know and have done so far, its somewhat lengthy......My daughter was born in Montana in '92. In '95 I went to court to be allowed to leave that state and come back to my home staate of california so that I would be able to support us better as there is not much for work in Montana. Im not sure of the proper terminology for what the result of that court action was, custody stipulation? and support orders? Anyway, I was able move to ca and he got 4 mos per year visitation and was ordered to pay $125.00 cs. Over the years I have probably gotten around $1300.00 total most of that coming from a tax intercept. I had to fight for every penny of the money I got not ever letting up on Montana CSED to enforce. It was frustrating and not really worth it as I could support us, working sometimes 3 jobs at at time, losing alot of time with my daughter, but we managed. When Her dad went to prison, of course I stopped hounding CSED, but then they sent me a letter saying they had closed my case and stopped their administration of the enforcement (2002) as my daughter would be 18 by the time he got out. Big deal like I had ever really gotten that much anyway. Well now, he's been out two years and she is 14And i wouldnt even had pursued the support except that Wenzday's (my daughter) father's mother died and she had ALOT of money he was her only son, my daughter her only grandchild who she absolutely adored. Gramma lived in San Clement close to us and I took my daughter up there monthly to stay with her. Anyway, about a month ago Grammas husband calls me and says he is going to Montana to buy a house for Wenzday's dad and can she go with for a visit? She wanted to so of course I let her go. AS you can imagine, this got me to thinking about it all and realising he is working and has been and now he is getting a house, its about time he start paying something. I mean do ya blame for trying? But oh boy am i going through all this frustration again. Its really not worth it. But she deserves it and my financial situation isnt what it use to be, some money for school clothes and such sure would be nice.
So what I have done: ordered a copy of the court results from Montana. Spoken with CSED Mt and they are sending paperwork to my case reopned, spoken with the parole officer, yes its a violation and felony non support although just the parole officer knowing about it wont revoke parole, but possibly City ATty of court order might. Talked the dead beat myself yesterday to give him a chance to do something before I take action and you know what? He said he would rather got back to prison then pay. But employment is a codition of his parole, soo. Heres what I think. I think that he is going to skip the state and come to San diego to join up with daddy who is preparing to cruise around the world on his boat, any time now. Yeah daddy, actually step daddy had sold the house in San Clemente and gotten rid of all of grammas things without ever having a service or filing the death certificate....Step daddy was 16 years her junior and an ex cop and used car salesman...He married into the money....Actually her death is a little suspect, but thats another story.
so, if your still hanging with me, do you have any questions? Or thoughts on this, this, whatever it is...the loser here of course, is my daughter.