I'm going to be crass here. You left the UK and came to the US of your own free will and got your green card by marriage. That's exactly how I got mine. Now your marriage has failed and immigration, who may suspect that it was a sham marriage all along, are asking why you should remain in the US now that the reason for you visa is no more. You have started squealing like a child "I don't wanna go back because I'm afraid of Brexit, I won't be able to get a job" etc. I have to admit that unless standards have dropped dramatically you limited command of the English language may put you at a disadvantage ("getting pyschologist certificate, my country worse condition , my training in U.S or any loan here ..can they help me out?").
Either you pay an attorney to plead on your behalf or you start packing your bags.
To help you on your way here's a link to one of the oldest and most respected employment agencies in the UK who have about a quarter million job openings
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