Rushia said:
My question was (at least in my other thread) what would happen if a 11yo hurt my 4yo with her karate kicks? What would be the legal ramifications for the child?
Yep, I read that one. In most states the ramifications would come from the parents and not from the court system. Unless the 4-year-old was injured, the chances of the justice system getting involved is slim.
In my state we would have to prove that the 11-year-old knew his actions were wrong, and that he was aware that he could be in trouble for the act.
While it is not appropriate to kick or hit a 4-year-old child, it is also NOT something that the police and the court system is going to want to deal with.
I find it very disturbing that many of you are implying that my daughter deserved to be kicked.
While I did not bother to read the entirety of your original thread, I do not think that was the implication. The implication may have been more along the lines of: 4-year-olds annoy older children - it's a fact of life. While that does not justify kicking, hitting, or punching the younger child, it DOES happen and it happens regularly - especially among young boys.
It is my understanding that children taking karate are taught that it isn't to be used for bullying purposes.
Yep. But the kid's
sensei may have less impact on his activity than his parents.
I don't even think a "Well she hit me first..." would work here. There isn't any way that an 11yo could state that she was in fear of her life. My daughter is the size of a 2/3 yo.
The 11-year-old doesn't have to state a fear for his life - he's 11. Someone hits them, they hit back. Someone shrieks they yell, "Stop!" and if that doesn't work, they hit them.
It's not appropriate, but it is what happens.
If the older child's parents won't handle it, then you need to keep your child away from the other child.
- Carl