>>However, filing a complaint with the EEOC or Missouri Dept. of Labor before I would be served with papers (if in fact she is suing) would be better, don't you think? That would make the case in my favor.
Nothing she did to you excuses any actions on your part that qualify as defamation or invasion of privacy.
If she violated YOUR rights in any way you had legal recourse. Two wrongs blah blah blah. You did not have the right to intentionally harm her rep or invade her privacy.
You are talking about trying to beat her to the courthouse now so that her action against you will look like retaliation for your complaint. It won’t matter that the jury thinks the complaint is what led her to file her own suit. The merits of her case will be just as valid, no matter what prompted her to exercise her rights. She does not need to explain the timing of her decision.
>>She's still harrassing me, trying to sue me, leave me alone girlfriend!
She appears to have grounds to sue you, which indicates you are not merely a victim.
>>My lawyer said her attny would have "peanuts" for a case, plus it would be pointless to sue someone who makes $27,000/year.
She can make your life hell with those peanuts. Pointless, is in the eye of the beholder and most attorney’s eyes are focused on the probable financial outcome. Not everyone is motivated by money alone.
>> I'm trying to save my own ass here. I don't care if I get any money from the contingincy-based case against the workplace this occoured, or from their insurance.
I understand that at this point you just want it ALL to go away. If you have any kind of a real claim against her, I suspect she would rather have it all go away too.
When in doubt about the best course of action, I’ve NEVER gone wrong by choosing to do the honorable thing.
Door #1… You can take responsibility on your own by asking her what she feels would be a fair resolution of the problems you’ve each created. Make sure you completely document any effort you make in this regard.
Door #2… You can spend all of 2005 (possibly longer, not sure of the SOL in your state) worrying that she is going to sue you. If she never does, then maybe you “got away with” something without having to take any responsibility for it.
What’s In The Box… You can worry that because it WAS too expensive to sue you, she is going to mete out her own justice. You will want to watch your back for a long, long time. Some people can be very patient about taking revenge.
Door # 3… You can play the “best defense is a good offense” game and fatten the wallets of a couple of lawyers. It could take a couple of years for that game to play out and there is NO WAY of knowing how you would fare in the end. If she sues you and wins, you are going to pay dearly for your failure to make amends on your own from the very beginning.
Picture this: It’s 3am on an empty street during a blackout. You are driving and you hit a pedestrian, badly injuring him. You are pretty sure no one witnessed the hit. Do you make a run for it or not?