Where you are approved for SSDI (social security disability), yet allowed to continue to receive unemployment benefits, is due to the way your ability to be gainfully employed is affected by your acknowledged disability. However, your paperwork, medical evidence, your timeline may be specific and it is very important to keep track of all your paperwork, communications, and evaluations through out the entire time.
I was approved for SSDI after a hearing in front of administrative law judge. I had received long-term unemployment benefits because I continued to search for work with acknowledgement of my disability, and the paperwork to confirm this job search. I was allowed to keep my unemployment benefits without any loss.
This particular forum is based for legal opinions, which means that if you keep to statements that can be proven, you will receive the help in answering the legal questions. I use a different forum to help me cope with my disability, and I use this one to keep me in the real world.
When you get into the retraining classes, and the legal requirements for those with acknowledged disabilities, there adds another layer to what can be applied to individual situations legally. This is definitely not a one size fits all solution.