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State took custody

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? TX

On September 10 my niece, Journee, was born 3 months preemature. Two weeks later her mother died. Of course since she was preemie she had to stay in the hospital until she was able to come home. Normally only grandparents and parents could visit the babies in the nicu, but since Journee's father is uninvolved, i was allowed to visit. I am related to her by way of my fiancee. Her mother was his sister so really im not a blood relative. after claudia the mother died i hAd a hard time getting in to see her but eventualy it was worked out to were i could visit when i pleased. after claudia died, her grandfather, arnald, signed a paper, we are not sure what this paper is bc now the hospital claims they dont know what this paper was and sometimes they say it has to do with consent like when she needed eye surgery, he had to sign the papers saying it was ok to do so. she was supposed to come home on friday the day before christmas so the hospital has new parents "room In" so they can observe parents with the children. Arnald and i were going to stay wed night and thurs night bc this was required since he was to be the legal guardian because he was the closest relative he wife passed away a few months before and i was going to be taking care of her. Journee also has a 9 yr old sister who lives with us, we all live together in one house. Arnald is also not claudia's real father, he adopted her when she was young, she was a child from his wifes previous marriage. anyway, on wed evening as i was about to give journee a bottle three women came to the room and rudly told us that journee is not going home with us. we questioned them and they stated it was in the best interest of the child and because they did not know what claudia wanted to do with her. but the 9 yr old lives with us and it would be obvious that any mother would want their children together. so the next day a women from amarillo came and took her into foster care, this is were she is now. we live in brownfield a town about 2 hrs away from amarillo. we will be allowed to visit but we dont know when bc the cps worker doesnt seem to get things going and is never available when i call for her. We were told we could visit one hour a week. they are doing a home study, when they will come inspect the house and make sure we make enough money to support her. I have her on medicaid and she was going to be in the wic program but now we dont know if we are going to get her back home. She has lots of people who love her very much and we have all the things she needs here at home, one of my friends had a baby shower for me even though she isnt mine so its not like we arent going to take care of her, i graduated early so i could watch her all day and night. what do we need to do to get her back from the state? they have legal custody and the cps worker said we will go to court but we dont know if we should hire a lawyer or not. who do we need to talk to and what kind of questions need to be asked. her sister, eva, is very concerned that she will lose the only person who connects her to her mother. Eva has lost her mother and grandmother within the past 9 months and is very depressed because she thinks she is going to lose her baby sister to. The women told us the reason they were doing this was because journee's father could come and take her and they couldnt say no bc he is her father, but we dont know who he is and we dont even know if he knows he has a daughter. at first the nurses at the hospital told us that all we had to do to take her home is bring the papers saying that arnald adopted claudia and we could take journee home. what do we need to do, this is very frustrating, the cps worker also told me that she will be gone on vacation for a week and she didnt give me a number of the women who is taking care of journee so i can calll and check on her. please help me im so confused


Senior Member
Do you have LEGAL custody of the 9 yr old?

If so, how did it come about that she came to live with you?

If not, WHO has legal custody?

I understand that Journee's father has no contact, but WHERE is he? Right now, he is the only one with any legal rights to the child and that is only IF paternity has been established.

What county is this in?

Even though the case worker you spoke with is on vacation, SOMEONE at CPS is still in charge of the case while she's gone. It is very doubtful that you will be allowed to contact the person taking care of the child until some type of legal process has at the very least been started, so it's a waste of time to even ask.

I probably have an answer for you, but I can't know for sure until you answer the above questions.


Junior Member
no i dont have legal custody of the 9 yr old arnald does, but we all live in the same house bc i moved in w/arnald's son who is my fiancee, i live in terry county, and i contacted the cps worker today who said she was about to leave for the courthouse to see if she could get a hearing today or next week, is she obligated to inform us about a hearing? because i dont think she was goin to


Senior Member
sweetiebaby02v said:
no i dont have legal custody of the 9 yr old arnald does, but we all live in the same house bc i moved in w/arnald's son who is my fiancee, i live in terry county, and i contacted the cps worker today who said she was about to leave for the courthouse to see if she could get a hearing today or next week, is she obligated to inform us about a hearing? because i dont think she was goin to

Since you are not a reletive she is not obligated to in form you of anything. If your boyfriend is the closest living relative and/or interested party, the case worker should notify him. You need to tread lightly, because the state has the right to take the 9 year old away also.


Junior Member
the cps worker said that they could take her away but since she was living with us already while claudia was alive that as far as they can see that is what claudia wanted for her so they wont take her away, but the lady never called anyone back today, i called her this morning and she was trying to set a court date for today or next week, but none of us heard back from her so they may have already had the hearing


Senior Member
you still haven't said where dad is- even if dad doesn't want to be responsible for the child in the long run, he can certainly expedite all this for the sake of the child by establishing himself as the legal father- then if he wants, he could give you gaurdianship- or he could be a daddy- but he is the quickest way to bring the baby home


Senior Member
You give us a lot of information including names but you never give us your name? WHat is your name?

By a review of your posts you are 17 yo unemancipated minor who's parents have a restraining order against you, calling you a slut and living with and having sex, in the household of your fiance who is 19 along with his, widowed dad, his crackhead, thieving pregnant sister and her child. NObody knows who the father is. In June you were talking about having to attend school in September and needing to know who your guardian was so you can register for classes and somehow between then and now, have graduated early? On Aug 9 you were going to have your pregnant thieving crackhead STBSIL charged with bank fraud and were wondering what CPS would do with her child but not concern for the unborn baby and then 1 month+1day from that post her crackhead baby is born 3 months premature and you don't post anything else between then and now and don't understand why the state would take custody of the baby?

Is anyone else putting 1 and 1 together? Does this sound familiar?


sweetiebaby02v said:
I was in the same situation as you are in. The legal age to consent in Texas is 17 and her dad can not do anything to you except put a restraining order on you. I am still 17 and my fiancee is 19. The only way he can file anything on you is if you are 3 years older than her!
sweetiebaby02v said:
What is the name of your state?Texas
I recently moved out of my parents home and in with my fiancee. (im 17) When school starts in August i was wondering who is my legal guardian? Are there emancipation laws in Texas and if there are how do i become emancipated? :confused:
sweetiebaby02v said:
So this means that i would have to live alone and not with a relative? Because right now i live with my fiancee, i can't go home my parents constantly yell at me that they dont want me there that im in the way and that im a slut. My parents also put something on me to where if i go onto their property then i can be arrested for trespassing. I just want to know who is my legal guardian is it still my parents because when school starts i will need my 'legal guardian' to sign papers what should i do?
sweetiebaby02v said:
What is the name of your state? Texas
On the first of Aug i started to realize that money was being taken out of mine and my fiancee's checking account. I called the bank and asked them why 100 was taken out, then told me it was taken out of the ATM at the bank. This worried me because i thought the card had been taken out of my purse, but it was still there. I had recently called and ordered a new card, but that was over 3 weeks ago and i knew it didnt take that long to order so at that point i knew the card had been stolen, activated and used. The next day there was more money taken out starting at 50 up to 150 only 300 can be taken out in one day. I called and asked one of the ladies at the bank if another card had been ordered and she told me no, that there was only one card on our file, but this was wrong because all of this money had been taken out with a debit card. Then in a few days i started to get insufficient check notices up to 190, in all 1,050 was taken out of my account. I live with my fiancee and his sister and her daughter live with us and she is a crack addict so i figured that she was the one that stole the card. I called the bank again and they told me that another card had been ordered and was used, but when i called to order the card i told them to call me when the card was sent, activated and used, but none of that ever happened. So it turned out that my fiancee's sister had the card and had forged his signature on the check that was stolen from his wallet. Now in order to get the money back i need to file charges on the sister, but there is the little girl that is involved, she in only 9. If her mom goes to jail what will happen to her? Will CPS get involved and take her away or will she be given to a grandparent or uncle? I am going today to file the charges because that money was already spent on our car and house and other bills. She tells us that she can get the money, but i dont believe her because she has done this with my fiancee's father's checking account for almost the same amount and she has yet to pay it back, so i know that she is lying to me. I am just worried about this little girl, she cries all the time to me saying tia are they going to take me away from you? Its heartbreaking, i want to look out for this little girl as much as i can, but something has to be done to her mother, she is pregnant again and still doing drugs, i am worried for her unborn child. I feel she needs to go to jail or at least rehab, but what wil happend to the girl? I am filing charges so i can get the money back, but she feels that the only reason im doing this is because the money but i tell her its not the money, its the principal in that you took the money for drugs I need help!!!


Senior Member
rmet4nzkx said:
Thanks :) Now when is scaredandalone going to chime in? ;)

I just had a mental picture of the rmet shark trolling the FA sea in search of those annoying little blow-up fish hahaha :D


Senior Member
Zephyr said:
I just had a mental picture of the rmet shark trolling the FA sea in search of those annoying little blow-up fish hahaha :D
Now is that shark wearing a turbin and looking into the FA Crystal Ball? :cool:


Senior Member
rmet4nzkx said:
Thanks :) Now when is scaredandalone going to chime in? ;)
If she does chime in, she will only beg for food. She is to stupid to even understand we are talking about her.

Thank God I don't know Kelly in real life, I may have been declared crazy by now. :eek:


Senior Member
This is from another site:
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05/24/05 12:42 PM | | Can i leave?
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Ok i am 17 years old, i currently live in my parents house and everyday they give me hell. i am not allowed to see my boyfriend who is 19 because he is mexican. i have moved out of my parents house before and they didnt make me come back i chose to. I want to leave again i am so stressed out, they treat me like im 2 and they let my younger brother who is 15 do what ever he pleases. Can anything happen to me or my boyfriend if i move out? I wont be living with him i will live with my aunt and i will continue school, but can my parents file on me as a runaway?

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