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switching schools

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Under the Radar Member
Wow! 8:30 seems like a LATE start time, much less 9:15. How do they have time for after school activities with such a late start? When do they FIINISH after school "away games" if they are on sports teams? Yikes, as a parent, I'd hate having such a late start time.. . .
Ditto - our MS runs 8:05-2:27. HS 7:15-1:38. I cannot imagine how they;d work the afterschool activities starting at 9:15. LOL Our ES starts earlier than that!


Senior Member
Wow! 8:30 seems like a LATE start time, much less 9:15. How do they have time for after school activities with such a late start? When do they FIINISH after school "away games" if they are on sports teams? Yikes, as a parent, I'd hate having such a late start time.. . .
Not only that, but how would mom get them to school on her weeks if she is working?...which apparently she is as according to dad they have similar earnings.

Dad, I hope this isn't financially motivated. You wanted mom to pay your attorney and we told you it was unlikely to happen. You wanted child support for your 13 year old from mom because you allowed your 13 year old to choose not to spend mom's parenting time with mom. Now you want to change the twins school to your district...with a very inconvenient start time.


The middle school is 9:15 start time. They won't have far away games at that age. They are doing well at this time in school.


Under the Radar Member
The middle school is 9:15 start time. They won't have far away games at that age.
True. However... when my kiddo was in MS a playing a fall sport, the team did not get back from away games until 5-6pm. And that is with a MUCH earlier dismissal. HS? Games didn't START until 4/4:15pm. 1 1/2 hours Varsity, 1 1/2 hours JV, drive time home... 8pm? Heaven forbid there was ALSO a Frosh game!

They are doing well at this time in school.
And this will likely kill your petition to change schools. Your kids are doing well where they are now. Changing schools NOW for something that may or may not happen in 2 years? Don't count those chickens. Sorry.


Not only that, but how would mom get them to school on her weeks if she is working?...which apparently she is as according to dad they have similar earnings.

Dad, I hope this isn't financially motivated. You wanted mom to pay your attorney and we told you it was unlikely to happen. You wanted child support for your 13 year old from mom because you allowed your 13 year old to choose not to spend mom's parenting time with mom. Now you want to change the twins school to your district...with a very inconvenient start time.
No this has nothing to do with finances. The rule 68 was filed due to her pushing the divorce to trial. I was the one offering joint custody, 50/50 and paying her more than double the required child support. I appreciate the info here. Thank you.


I (for one) am not going through your post hx right now.

Please type out word for word (minus names) what your court orders actually say.

Custody of minor children

Respondent shall be vested with legal custody of the parties' minor children, namely x x x,subject to the parenting plan set forth below;

Rights of parents (ORS 107.154)
Mother shall have the rights granted under ORS 107.154,namely;

Then it lists the 5 items related to that ORS.

Just Blue

Senior Member
Custody of minor children

Respondent shall be vested with legal custody of the parties' minor children, namely x x x,subject to the parenting plan set forth below;

Rights of parents (ORS 107.154)
Mother shall have the rights granted under ORS 107.154,namely;

Then it lists the 5 items related to that ORS.
How informative. :rolleyes:


Under the Radar Member
You could start with the five items listed wrt Mom's rights. If you want us to help you, you have to help us by providing adequate details. We're not mind readers, nor are we dentists. Don't make us pull teeth w/o anesthetic.


You could start with the five items listed wrt Mom's rights. If you want us to help you, you have to help us by providing adequate details. We're not mind readers, nor are we dentists. Don't make us pull teeth w/o anesthetic.

1)To inspect and receive school records and to consult with school staff concerning the child/childrens welfare and education,to the same extent as the custodial parent may inspect and receive such records and consult with staff;
2)To inspect and receive govornment agency and law enforcement records concerning the child/children to the same extent as the custodial parent may inspect and receive such records;
3)To consult with any person who may provide care or treatment for the child/childrens medical,dental,and psycological records,to the same extent as the custodial parent may consult with such person and inspect and receive such records;
4)To authorize emergency medical,dental,psycological,or other health care for the child/children if the custodial parent is, for practical purposes unavailable;
5)To apply to be the child/childrens conservator,guardian ad litem, or both.

Sorry for assuming this is stuff lawyers already know. To me it's just legal jargon.


Under the Radar Member
Sorry for assuming this is stuff lawyers already know. To me it's just legal jargon.
Uuummm... Did you even read the terms of service when you registered? You know, the one that tells you that posters here are not only lawyers, but also lay people? Even if we WERE all lawyers, we may or may not be licensed in OR.


Uuummm... Did you even read the terms of service when you registered? You know, the one that tells you that posters here are not only lawyers, but also lay people? Even if we WERE all lawyers, we may or may not be licensed in OR.
Yes I understand that. The ORS I posted when googled comes up pretty much as I posted. Sorry for the assumption. As I said in the post I am just asking what is needed to prove best interest? Evidently having the legal right to make decisions doesn't hold much weight from what I'm understanding.


Under the Radar Member
I honestly do not know how you will prove best interest, given that you are not looking to move the children's school for almost two years.

1. The children are doing well in their current school.

2. Later start time is not going to be a factor. It may be a negative, in fact, if it interferes with Mom's ability to get them to school and then herself to work. If she requires before-care, you may find yourself on the hook for that.

3. Jr High is almost four years away. You have no way of knowing what will happen in the space of those four years, either in your life or in the school district. What they have now, they may not in the future. Many districts are cutting back on options as a part of necessary budget cuts - in four years, that Jr High may well be no different than the other.

ETA: Just a note about the provisions being easy to google. Perhaps they are. However, you need to remember that everyone here is a volunteer. Most with other jobs, other commitments. So we really don't want to go off googling information that a poster could have just as easily provided for us, regarding their situation. One reason why we often ask posters to keep all of their questions/comments to a single thread - then we don't have to go back and forth, looking for back story. THe easier you make it for us, the better we can help you. Make sense?

4. Why is making friends in your area more important than making friends in Mom's area? Enroll them in some sort of rec program in your town if you want them to meet more kids local to you. (Although, honestly, 7 miles isn't a hardship in terms of getting together with the kids they already know...)

5. Where your oldest goes to school is moot. She will be graduating HS (or close to it) by the time the twins go to Jr High - so they won't ever be in the same school anyway.

6. School statistics? Statistics can be made to show most anything one wants them to. One can also argue them in many ways. You tell the court that your school has better test scores than hers. She turns around and argues that your school spends more time teaching to the test instead of teaching how to learn, interpret information, think for oneself. You say that your district has more money to spend on schools. She argues that your district uses it for "fat" instead of education (hiring more administrators, instead of hiring more qualified teachers and buying books.) And so on and so forth.

I really don't see you getting far here w/o convincing Mom it's a good idea.
Last edited:


Keeper of the Kraken
Yes. The decree states that I have sole custody and the right to make decisions about school,medical,religion and I believe a couple other things when we can't agree.
Dad, if you and Mom can't agree, you get to decide per your court orders. I don't know why all the sturm und drang. :cool:

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