Ya know the thing that just really pisses me off is that you got 3 boys sitting IN FRONT of their friends house waiting for him to finish getting ready and find his his tackle box for a great day of ice fishing. This is what the police report said "I was on routine patrol (he was sitting in a small restaurant kiddie corner) when I noticed a vehicle come to a stop in the middle of the block. The vehicle had 1 driver and 2 men HAHAHA men, it seemed as if they were staking out a house because the 3 men kept staring at the house. I waited for 20min. then approached the vehicle and asked what they were doing just sitting there and they said their friend lived there and they were waiting for there friend to come out. I asked how come nobody bothered to knock and they said why we have cell phones. I then told them that it is illegal to loiter and wrote the men their citations.....blah...blah...blah...WTF! and then ya say "ooh thats good now they wont go down the road to become criminals" YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!
"continues to break the law". How stupid can some people be (greasy)? And I don't have nothing to hide...I'm not a coward I dont hide from cyber idiots (erynsma) Makes what job easier? I just wanna know what you think your able to do? I really want to know this and what is link to your so called sites to where you got your little lying quotes..where's the link. BTW I'm 38 yrs old.
Quotes from erynsma "community service is the best thing that ever happened to me" LMFAO!! what a loser! WOW! "I turned my life around after that". So you must have been some kinda scumbag before and now your all grows up. You're too funny just keep on opening your mouth and making yourself sound like the idiot you are. And dont forget those links. And even If I did say those things SO WHAT,BIG DEAL! I'll say what I damn well please! and wtf is a mouth breather? I NEVER SAID THAT IN MY LIFE! Did you make that saying up, cuz it makes no sense. like you! "suck it up" huh...? he's not complaining. Dang your stupid.
cyjeff-I know what community service is and exactly where it is. The thing is this this, I grew up in that neighborhood and IT IS BAD. They shoot at cops, 3 weeks ago they found a girl raped, beaten to death and stuffed under a porch. That neighborhood is has the most homicides and heroin activity in the city. True story here. When I was 16 I was waiting for the bus to go to my part time job, so I'm sitting there with another man looked like mid 20's when a car pulled up onto the sidewalk and this crazy gang member (that everyone knew and is in prison for this crime) gets out of the car walks up to the other
guy and said "bye,bye" then shot him in the chest looked at me and said "what? you want some to....na you cool). I was in shock and covered in blood. Almost 1 year later me an my friend were at a new years party when a group of slime came oozing in so we left for home instead of fighting this pack of wolves. We were about 4 blocks away from our homes when we split up...well my friend diddent make it because someone decided that it was a great idea to plunge a 12" kitchen knife in his heart. I really can go on and on about things I witnessed growing up there. That was 17 years ago, today that place is 10x worse. I dont care about CS at all and that was never the issue so I dont know where anyone got that from. Its the fact that he'll be taking the bus @ nite and will have to walk 6 blocks of of the main street and down the side streets to get there. THATS what this about.
Dad10-no I am not the juvi. LOL. "students with attitude" why ya say that because they said "we have cell phones"? Thank you for your professional advice, thats the only reason I came here. Btw, we did see those movies and liked them. We also watch shows like lockdown, intervention and stuff like that because I have two friends that I knew since I was 8, 1 is addicted to to ocycontin and the other is a very bad alcoholic. When we were in our mid 20's
they went down a road that I wasn't going to go down. We started out just like most people by finishing school, getting great jobs, married and children, cars a house etc..etc..well...thats what I have now and their homeless and always refuse my help. I have a nephew just like them too. I always tell my son "if you wanna be like them then do exactly what they did to get there and dont skip a step or you can be like me and "bill, bob and john" and do exactly what we did and remain doing without skipping a beat". I also have a friend that I knew since h.s. who's a drug and alcohol abuse counselor who lets my son work in his office in the summer. So he knows EXACTLY how "the other half" lives.
cdwjava-we did have an option (at first) until I decided to just go to court and get extra time to pay it because at the time I was very broke.
"not to CONTINUE on a path" hmmm...WOW and this whole time I thought he was on a path to college. Thanks for the heads up.
BTW there are about 6 Thrashensteins out there. One is on youtube, I found that out when I was registering. A couple more have the name with numbers added to it. One is T-69 another is xxxTxxx and another is useing it for a yahoo email address I had that name for almost 15yrs. And I'm in the process of getting it trademarked. I have actual documentation
on that and I dont think anyone else does so it'll be mine according to the trademark lawyer I'll be hiring. I'm gonna use that name for a software app. that me and my cousin are working on. I contacted (at least think I did) the other T's and kindly told them to cease using the name and...etc..etc.
Ya, I use that name a lot, so. Like I said I dont hide and have to make up a new name for everywhere I go I voice my opinion and then stand my ground.
I dont cry about "the man" tapping phones and spying on us with satellites, I dont have a thing to hide so lets make that clear, eyrnsma!