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Senior Member
i wasn't deliberately keeping anything from him. he went to the school and paid for pictures. keep in mind he refuses to pay any support. so for him to demand that i inform him of such trivial matters is confusing. i notify him of teacher reports, therapy status and other issues. i even remind him that his children need financial support. but pictures?? isn't this cosmetic having nothing to do with educational, medical or legal issues? it's not like i had money for haircuts, new clothes or even to pay for pictures.

mommyto 2

I have to reply to some of the suggestions. While many were great some are just to time consuming. I spoke with my attorney yesterday (about a lot of things but for this discussion here is what she stated), I wanted clarification on whose responsibility was it to be informed. She stated that as long as I keep him informed of all educational and medical decisions and show that I try to send him school forms that apply to him and the KEY, do not prevent him from being informed I have nothing to worry about (she also stated that I do way more then is required). The point was that he is an adult and needs to take responsibility to be informed. He can call teachers and doctors (I provide this info and he has done so in the past) he can go to the school (he drives them to school in the morning). It is not cp job to become the ncp personal assistant but it is the cp job not to prevent ncp from obtaining info about the children.


Senior Member
i wasn't deliberately keeping anything from him. he went to the school and paid for pictures. keep in mind he refuses to pay any support. so for him to demand that i inform him of such trivial matters is confusing.
Do you all share custody? You said in a subsequent post he takes the kids to school every day.

It sounds like your attorney gave you the answer you were looking for.
But, the bolded part is not sincere.
We don't know your co-parenting share arrangement to know how much, if any, child support plays into the picture, but that's neither here nor there regarding school pictures. I don't know why you would find it "confusing" that he wants to know about school pictures. It does sound like you are purposely being controlling b/c you're ticked about child support.

mommyto 2

Hi Wileybunch, I think you are confusing me (OP) with Isabella. I did not write the bolded protions of your response. I did stated that ex takes children to school, the reason for this started years ago when we got along. I go to work very early, and had difficulty finding morning care for the children. Ex starts work later and always moved close to me (within 2 miles). When the children got older and they were at a new school with morning care, my ex refused to let me take them to school and took me to court to have mornings during school days. Since the precedent (I don't think I spelled that correctly) had been set he was given that time. But I am parent of primary residence and I have the children most of the time (I think it works out to be about 68% of the time during the week when school is in session, more when school is out).


Senior Member
Do you all share custody? You said in a subsequent post he takes the kids to school every day.

It sounds like your attorney gave you the answer you were looking for.
But, the bolded part is not sincere.
We don't know your co-parenting share arrangement to know how much, if any, child support plays into the picture, but that's neither here nor there regarding school pictures. I don't know why you would find it "confusing" that he wants to know about school pictures. It does sound like you are purposely being controlling b/c you're ticked about child support.
I generally don't respond to your posts, because I find that you talk out of both sides of your mouth, however, you are so out of line with that statement that I just couldn't be quiet this time.

School picture day is NOT an educational decision. It has no bearing whatsoever on the educational outcome of baby Isabella's future. If dad wants to know about school picture day, pick up the damn phone. You don't even have to identify yourself. When the receptionist answers, say "when is picture day???" As unimportant as your question is, it is equally unimportant as to who you are asking the question.

Isabella is not trying to be controlling, she doesn't get paid to be a secretary to her ex. Your issues with your situation oooozzzzzzeeeee out of everything you type and you need to learn to keep your issues to yourself.


Senior Member
sorry mommy 2. i didn't meant to throw my own questions to cause confusion. but i was curious as you were as to how far this secretarial business went.

and yes i loved the wording CourtClerk gave. i could almost hear my old boss speaking on that one. (he was a family and criminal attorney)

mommyto 2

Isabella, I didn't mind that you asked questions, they were on the same topic, no problem. My only issue was that Wiley thought we were one in the same and I was only trying to clarify.


Senior Member
School picture day is NOT an educational decision. It has no bearing whatsoever on the educational outcome of baby Isabella's future. If dad wants to know about school picture day, pick up the damn phone. You don't even have to identify yourself. When the receptionist answers, say "when is picture day???" As unimportant as your question is, it is equally unimportant as to who you are asking the question.

Isabella is not trying to be controlling, she doesn't get paid to be a secretary to her ex.
School pictures are not an educational decision. I won't disagree with you there and I didn't say they were so your response is out of left field. Stick to what's been posted.

It's not confusing for dad to want to know about pictures regardless of the child support situation. The only thing about "my situation" that had any bearing on my response is that I said it IS in husband's CO. No one can answer specifics on another's situation legally w/o knowing what's in the CO. And, the fact that I am a CP and I just don't split hairs with my ex. You can't tell her he has to call the school sec'y unless you've seen the CO language and know the history to know if this is sound advice.
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Senior Member
Hi Wileybunch, I think you are confusing me (OP) with Isabella.
You're right -- about taking the kids to school every day. If OP's ex was taking the kids every day, that seemed like he had pretty good access to them and the school (which changes how much he should already know w/o going to OP).
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