Again, I am not assuming DAD never gives them baths. I said, "BEFORE, I WAS DIVORCED, the father NEVER helped to bath them at all. So during this time,
NOT THINKING I WOULD GET DIVORCED, I explained to the children who was allowed in that area and if any other person was there they needed to come tell me. Dad was in on this conversation and enforced this with the children.
I NEVER SAID MY DAUGHTER WAS FRIGHTENED OR SCARED TO DEATH, the other people on this forum did!!!!!
My daughter came to with an uneasy topic that bothered her, I addressed it and got this is my house so what. Nice, who cares about anyone elses feelings
(my daughter) in this manner. My daughter is not scared of her father, but
talking about being naked and see his parts, made her feel uncomfortable.
Again, she was looking for the security of a parent. She isn't tramatized by the incident, she wants dad to put on some clothes and quit making her uneasy, uncomfortable or embarrassed which ever.
AS for me being able to dictate what he can or can't do, leaving them along for the long periods of time is putting the kids in harms way, which was one of other concerns posted in my original forum.
If the ex is careless with his apperance and with leaving the kids only, It really makes me wonder what else is going on the "maybe" putting the kids in harms way!