iscrewedup2 said:
the affair went on for a few years. the latter 2 yrs I was trying to end it, but I couldnt' get out of it.
How many years all together did you cheat? She got pregnant, had a baby and you never thought at that point it might be yours? When did you end the affair, after the baby was born or while she was pregnant?
The reason I ask is when you tell your wife these are some of the many questions she is going to ask. Get your answers ready and make sure they are the truth, more lies at this point will only hurt her.
How old are your other children? Old enough that they will understand what Daddy did?
I feel so bad for all of you. But get the DNA test first and if this boy is yours step up to the plate, tell your wife, pay your child support and I hope you will also be a part of his life. He is not to blame and deserves a dad.
I do not believe you will go to Hell for this, but I do believe it is a wake up call to get your life in order and I hope your wife forgives you. Get into therapy with her if she doesn't kick you out. I wish you luck, I truly do.