#1nana said:
Although disappointing to hear, I appreciate your honesty and your help. I understand what you mean by a child being shuffled between 2 homes, and no I don't think that would be best. However, I do think a child needs both parents equally. My son's dad and I divorced when he was young. He did not have a close relationship with his father (by his father's choice) and I see what it did to him. My son just wants more for his own son, that's all.
Its perfectly understandable and natural that your son wants more for his son. However, he doesn't have to have a 50/50 timeshare in order to be seriously involved in his son's life.
My ex and I split when our daughter was three. For many reasons we didn't divorce for quite a few years. Although things were quite strained in the first few months, what we "morphed" into was my ex stopping by my house every day before and after work (until she started school) then it was just after work. After work he would stay anywhere from 30 minutes to until she went to bed, depending on what he had going on. He played outside with her and her friends, got her involved in sports, helped her with her homework, and just generally did the same sorts of things that he would have done if we had stayed together. Then, he generally spent Saturdays with her (sometimes I went along if they were doing something particularly fun...at his invite) I generally spent Sundays with her.
He rarely had overnights with her (because he honestly believes that a child should have ONE home) and when he did they were fun treats...sleepover at daddy's....and generally at least one of her friends was invited along.
It worked because we both left our egos at the door and focused on what we honestly thought our daughter needed. It also worked because I deliberately chose NOT to date or get involved with anyone else, and because his girlfriend was self confident enough to honor/accept what he thought was best for his child.
One of the best parts of that whole arrangement is that my ex and I honestly ended up being best friends....its like having another brother. We are "family" still and always will be...and I treasure that. We have never set foot in a courtroom, not even for our divorce. Everything that we have ever done has been by agreement.
I know other people like us.....I know people who have both remarried yet they are ALL good friends and they do dinners/holidays/barbeques together....they babysit for each other's kids...one group even trades off ALL the kids (bios, halfs and steps) every other weekend so that all the kids get to be together every weekend, and so that they all get free weekends to be "adults"...LOL. Heck...my ex not only took care of my daughter, but took care of my friend's kids too once a month or so, so that we could have a "girls night out".
Anyway, the point I am making (sorry this was so long) is that its possible for your son to truly be a real part of his child's life....and you too...by thinking "outside the box"....and now is the time to do that. "Now" sets the tone for the next 18 years.
So...maybe he should consider truly talking to mom....with the focus not on "his or her rights"...but on the child and what they both want for the child. Wouldn't it be marvelous if you could all be one big happy family? Wouldn't it be marvelous if the courts didn't need to be part of everyone's lives for the next 18 years? Its not an impossible dream.