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Will paying wife $1000 per month hurt me?

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You really don't need to agree to anything until you speak to a couple of different lawyers to see what your rights are and what you need to do to protect yourself. Don't ever take legal advice from your ex either, that's another huge mistake to make, talk to a lawyer or two and see what exactly they have to say. Even if her parents helped depending on all of the details of the marriage and house purchase you may be entitled to some of the equity. I can't say for sure because I don't know all of the details.


I know you are at fault for the seperation but.... have you thought about filing for legal seperation so you can get that stuff established just to cover your tail



Yes, she wanted a legal separation, but i dont want one because she keeps telling me i still can reconcile with her. Legal separation just seems threatening to me if she wants to let me try to get her back. All we have been doing the last 7 weeks is trying to determine who gets what and has drained us both from haggling, that is why i finally said we should be spending our efforts on working on our marriage instead of property.
Her parents have been pushing the legal separation. If we dont get back together in a couple of months then i will probably get a legal separation.
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