Under the Radar Member
Not with C's, he's not.He is an honor roll kid
Not with C's, he's not.He is an honor roll kid
That is NOT why he is being given the choice. This was the 'last straw' in a continuing process. And his having a 'B' in the class is not an excuse. Nor does it grant him any special rights, just as his being a certain race does not confer any special rights nor does his being male.I forgot to add a part of too all of this......
So here I am only going to bottom line what he is being suspended for this monday.
He is being given the choice of suspension or 1 swat for not getting "1" assignment in
he has a B in this class at this time.
And of course, you as parent, took him to the doctor and received a not excusing him for being sick. Or was it that you simply told the school he was sick.What I forgot to mention is that he was out sick Wensday Oct 11, 2006 with a fever.
He has been sick all week but was just sniffly and coughy.... wednesday he woke up with the fever and I kept him home..... wensday night he was feeling better.... thurs morning he was up and ready to go back to school and he was still still.... (real punk kid here)
I told him he should stay home and get more medicine and rest and he said he couldnt miss band... he has fallen in love with his trombone..... not a night passes that we're not listening to it..... he wants to walk in the parade this year with his school.... (real deliquent here... every mom should have one)
And what reason did he give for saying this?The vice principal of this school told me that my son would not get the 1 makeup day that the schools own policy gives to EVERY kid in the school!
According to you. NOT to those who administer the policy.That very assignment that he is being punished for not turning in, is in fact not due til monday for him.
I like it just fine. Of course you might have mitigated all of this by calling the school and asking these questions regarding makeup work WHEN THE KID WAS HOME.By the schools own policy the kids are allowed 1 day makeup for all work missed on that day... this assignment was assigned on that day he was gone.
Explained this to the vice principal and he said that it didnt matter that my son was not entitled to the 1day makeup. How do you like that??????
Whats the matter Jetx you are not getting attention now? Did I somehow ruffle your feathers too? YOU are the one that called him a "punk kid" which by definition is another term for a should excuse age for a child that clearly refuses to follow the rules.
First, no one said the kid was delinquent.... only that he apparently thinks that rules don't apply to him.
I suppose then since you are all-knowing about the district you'd like to inform people who are so much less educated than you about the outcome of Andrews v. Independent School Dist. No. 29 of Cleveland CountyGee Belize who is making assumptions now? I think Im dizzy now. You have no idea what this parent did or didnt do. The child has the right to make up his work. One day makeup for every day sick. Its in the Code of Conduct for the school. They are denying him his right. He doesnt need a Drs excuse he was out only one day. Only need a Drs excuse in excess of 3 days IN A ROW.
NOPE! He get's his assignment on Thursday and is due Friday. I don't believe in swatting, and thank GOD my children don't go to schools where that is allowed.Dang Belize...... you must be a close relative of Chleo the physic.... Of course your 'vision' of me is totally off base... I have another son in college at OU... he made straight A's through highschool... I have my middle son 15 and a baby girl 2.... we planned our children very very well and without any assistance from your tax $$$ so dont worry. Like I stated earlier my husband in a network engineer and makes good $. I am also very educated with a Bachelors in computer science. I am not some country bumpkin sittin out in neverland waiting for you or ANYONE like YOU to come to me rescue... got that? And I'll tell you another thing, if you slander me as a parent one more time, I will report you for deliberately harrassing people on this post. I will ask again... if you dont have HELPFUL information, please go away to another post!!!
Shay-Pari'e.... the assignment that we are speaking about was assigned the day he was sick he did not know about it til thursday... from speaking to another local school office they said he should of had the whole day friday to complete the work and then turn it in monday, they dont count thursday because he's completing current assignments for that day in class and he doesnt get ALL the work together that he missed until the end of the day and takes his last class... the other school stated he would then have all day friday to complete it and would be required to turn it in monday.
Me saying that the work shouldnt have been due until monday was advice I got directly from one of the other school offices in this same district... the high school to be precise.
Thanks again Mommi2fivekids... your making my day lots of HUGS!!!
Lady - what happens in YOUR school district is moot. The kid's own PARENT said he's not an honor roll student. Yet, once again, you KNOW better and you KNOW he is.Like Stealth2 there harping on the kid have "a splash of "Cs" and that not making him an honor roll student. What does that have to do with anything? With a splash of Cs that does make him an honor roll student. The school district here they CAN make Cs and they do qualify as being honor roll students.
Oh I know what you mean.I would like to thank everyone who was HELPFUL to me.... thanks so much for the support
I received a call this morning from the Assistant Super Intendant of Cleveland Schools.
I was told from the schools OWN representative that this is WRONG!!!
It is ALSO against the schools OWN policy stating that missed assignments are to receive
in-house which is a program that the SCHOOL developed to help with missed assignments OF COURSE those that where throwing stones at me for being a BAD parent KNEW ALL OF THIS...... NOT!!!! just goes to show you that MOST people DONT think before they open their mouthz...... or in this case their fingers
Soooo to all you so called expert's on the subject of law...... I send a big raspberry!
I PRAY to god none of you are parents..... we certainly do not need people like you teaching our next generation to be so stupid about our children.
Thanks again for all the support.
from your footage Plum...... you probably feed your boys so full of PUDD'n that they couldnt make an effort in much... just obediant zombies who do YOUR bidding! Congratz on that effort in your WELL behaved sons.
YOU ALL ARE FOOLS.... and if you think that "I" need emotional support on this forum your seriously wrong!!! I came for LEGAL advice and got a group of supposed MATURE adults to sit here and not even read the post well enough to determine what the EXACT issue was.... the issues discussioned in this post have went completely to trash.... and since 'I' AM a mature adult..... I say good ridance and will no longer even come to look at this site.
The ppl here who TRY to help ppl are losing a sad battle to the suppose MATURE ppl on here who's only goal is to see how badly they can upset or harrass them.
In the future I will look to more direct approaches instead of coming to some place like these forums where vultures wait to pick at you the minute you ask something.
I have reported to the company that owns this site, several ppl who have only posted on this post to give judgmental and harrassing post.
I have received an email regarding said report and there will be an investigation into this post... hope you that got your dandies off on this post enjoyed yourselves...
Enjoy Life.